" Compassion"
According to Joseph the Caretaker of Compassion..
Mayan prophecy stated the 13 skulls saved from Atlantis were to be "Human sized Clear Quartz with a "removable
jaw." They were suppose to be able to sing and talk at ceremonies that way. Compassion is all of these
things with no past. It is up to the observer to make their own decisions during a quiet meditative state.
The point seems to be, WAKE UP AND REMEMBER OUR PAST!" To prepare for the coming evolution of Gaia, centered
in our hearts, coming from Love, Humility and Compassion. I feel then we will be able to accept the huge energy blast
we will be receiving. This is indeed a Site to be visited. http://www.crystalskull-compassion.com http://www.atlanteanskull.com
"Apparition In Stockton"
The above photo was taken of “Compassion” The Crystal
Skull by a Guest, Candy Law in Stockton, CA.
Compassion was being shown by Caretaker Joseph Bennett.
For more
information and clearer photos please click on Joseph's Web Site http://www.atlanteanskull.com/
JOE has written a book..The
Crystal Skull Compassion. You can go to: <https://www.createspace.com/3558781> and order the book.

The magazine Atlantis Rising has an article
about Joseph and his Crystal Skull "Compassion"
It states....."The
Mitchell Hedges Skull Is No Longer Unique!"
Please click
on the site http://www.atlanteanskull.com for more information.
Susanne Toro interviews Joseph on Blogtalkradio.
Please click onto the following link to listen http://suzannetoro.com/wordpress/2011/03/04/besimply-compassion/
A Crystal Skull Named Amethyst

13 Skulls. 12 Crystal Skulls to the power
of 1 the 13th. "Amethyst".....Photos by M. Harriz
If you will notice this Skull has what is called a CAP on the top of the head.
Not very common to find.

Bob is now offering a very special and Unique hand made pendant necklace made from Lilac Wood and Lightning Struck Jewelry.
Also take a look at his awesome hand made Lightning Struck Drums and many NEW exciting items.
Please view Bob's NEW fantasic Web Site. https://www.naturalshamandrums.com/
Check out Spirit Care.....it's special! http://myspiritcare.com
A most treasured Himalayan Skull

Please visit HearStar's Page. http://www.theskullwhisperers.com/id81.html
Swan "Thor" Photo
taken by M. Harriz
For information on the Mayans, Crystal Skulls etc. just click onto
http://www.theskullwhisperers.com/id83.html to view Dee's web site.

If you are a lover of Swans and interested in unique photos please visit my site at...
There is also information on "Feathering"...feathers
used in healing.

"The Himalayan Skulls" by Lee Chin
Please click onto this link and scroll down to
the second article.
Healing With The Gong
http://www.theskullwhisperers.com/id87.html Please click onto this link for more info.

Let us not forget.... By universal law in order to receive Mercy and Intervention we
must ASK for this from The Creator. Namaste'