The Crystal Skull Activation
The Crystal Skull Activation is the second attunement in a trilogy
of attunements that will connect you to the healing energies and knowledge of Atlantis, the Atlantians and the energy of our
Mother Earth.
This was channeled
by Jay Burrel while he was doing an Atlantian Crystal Activation. A being named Moldor came to him during the activation and
was very persistent on passing this information on to him right then and there.
Being connected to a Crystal Skull can aid in physic, astral projection as well as a
greater energy during any form of energy healing and Earth Healing.
With the Crystal Skull Activation it is necessary to have the
Trilogy Attument. For more information on this please go to the Navigation Bar on the left side of this page and read..
The Crystal Skull Activation and the Atlantian Crystal Activation Attunements.