The Timeless Enigma about Crystal Skulls by Tyberonn
Please scroll down to read "The Perfection
Greetings Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you with Unconditional Love.
Indeed we recognize each of you, we know you more intimately than you may imagine, and we are here to remind you of your home,
of your path, of your true purpose of being on Earth at this time. Dear Ones, you are closer than you think, nearer
than you know to an enormous leap, one that you have waited eons of time to expereince. And we know your trepidations, your
anxieties and your hopes. You see systems around you falling. You see a world in economic crisis, you fear that your security
is melting away. Fear not! All is in perfection. It is necessary that systems change, those systems that serve the few and
ignore the masses be washed away, be rebooted, and recalibrated. But does it not show you what it true, what is real. Does
it not show you that your true treasure is in the heart? What so many have spent a lifetime focusing their energy upon seems
to have greatly evaporated in a few weeks. What is the message? What is the gift? Dear Ones where is your value truly placed?
Much of what is happening now seems to be a manifestation of fear. Yet we tell you fear not, the system must change, and you
world has recently seen a shift in perspective. Those of you in the Americas have chosen hope over fear. What seems
to be lost will return, but differently and quicker than you may think. Money is not what you imagine, it is an agreement
and a form of energy, and energy can never be lost, only transformed. True abundance is in the heart, and Dear Ones, Spirit
is not short of cash. We leave you this message of hope, this day, to ponder and embrace. The Original
And so we speak this gathering of the topic of Crystal Skulls, indeed a most interesting topic. And so the channel asks, what exactly are the 'Crystal Skulls'? From a linear
Earth perspective the Crystal Skull is a human-shaped skull made out of various types of crystalline material, most commonly
quartz. Yet we will tell you the original skull is of an extra terrestrial conglomerate of what may be termed supra quartz,
containing within it pure quartz that is alloyed with aspect of diamond and alloyed in an alchemical sense with frequential
gold. It is a similar material used in the Crystalline Moon of Atlantis, and the magnificent Temple Crystals, similar but
not exact. Indeed the original skulls predate in linear terms, the Atlantean Temple Crystals. The original
crystal skulls came from another world, and another reality. All realities are created based on the pattern of crystalline
sacred geometric consciousness through the Golden Mean Phi Ratio. Humanity and indeed your physical Earth(s) are conceived
within these paradigmic matrix formulae. And so were the Crystal Skulls formulated in kind, yet from a far greater frequency,
a frequency of perfection. The skulls are indeed formed as the prototype of the perfect human being. So within it is contained
the perfection of the human being, encompassing within all aspects, the twelve sacred aspects you see, and thus was it formulated
and thus was its reason for being brought here. Originally then did those carriers bring the crystalline
patterned skulls to the Earth from Arcturius and the Pleiades, and it was brought into the land that became LeMuria, but indeed
the model was brought before the planet was fully in polarity. It was brought into the planet at the time of the Firmament
you see, in a zero point Earth, a non-magnetic plane we will say. In an Earthen World that knew perfection, that was inhabited
by androgynous manifestation of Etheric Spirit in full consciousness. Yet at that time it was already known that the Firmament
would fall, would dissolve and the plan then was that this model, this extraordinary hologramic record, the original crystal
skull would serve as the prototype of this initial integral aspect. And so it contains within it the model of the 12 strands
of DNA, the fully conscious clear mind and Beingness of the evolved human. The crystal skulls contain within
them that which you were before the human experiment, and what you will be when you complete it, the infinity circle. And so when the planet became that of duality, it served that purpose. You see during the era of the Firmament the Earth
was not the planet of lesson, not the school of evolvement; rather it was what may be considered a realm within perfection,
a dimensional realm that had not yet taken on the role of university for the human experiment and evolution of mankind. Yes,
do you understand? Paradise Lost
That era of the Firmament was the 'Paradise-Lost' referenced
in many ancient texts as the mythical Garden of Eden, a 'Pre-Human Earth' where all will, all consciousness was divine. It
was non-dual, non polar. Adam Kadmon had yet to 'eat the forbidden fruit' from the metaphorical Tree of Knowledge and
become aware of his 'nakedness'. There were no consciousness filters in place. Man had not been 'tempted' into filtered duality
by the allegorical kundalini serpent. Later when the experience of humankind was chosen, souls that chose
to experience the Earth-Grid and cycle of humanity lesson and expansion, the Firmament fell, and the grid was put in place.
Then was there the need for the hologram of the perfection for mankind to be in place. In that chronology and manner the crystal
skulls became the carrier of that blueprint and serves as a frequential beacon. So then the skulls are the program that is
created for and formatted into the consciousness of humankind when each enters the aeon circuitry you term Earth. We will say in a truly valid context that all souls who enter into human kind, do so first by passing thorough a formatting
process within the frequential microcircuitry paradigm of the hologram that was zipped and solidified into the condensed model,
that you term the crystal skull. But here we must be clear, the model of the crystal skull is the encompassing keeper or storage
library of that greater frequential hologram and its massive frequential data, but it is not the hologram itself. Rather does
it condense a replicate, store, transmute and project it into the 12 Earth Dimensions. Do you see? It is
in a sense the same as a recording, for example, of a great symphony upon one of your musical cd's, the cd is a replica within
digital format containing a reproduction of the music and allows you to experience the musical information, but it is not
the symphony, it is not the orchestra performing. Yet when you hear it, it is recorded in your mind, and you have the ability
within to replay it at will. The crystalline skull was solidified and programmed in a most complex process.
It was conceived to contain within it an incredible frequency that in itself attached to the hologram. So the crystalline
skull then is an honoring remembrance and imbuing transmitter that indelibly prints within the soul that which is the perfect
model. It is imbued within the divine aspect of the soul when it enters into the earth pattern from the unified field. In
a manner of speaking it is the pattern recorded into the God Self, the Subconscious or super subconscious of the human mind,
you see? The perfected man, not the version of what man would later become in the down spiral of the human experience, but
rather as the original print that man aspires and evolves back into through the growth cycle termed reincarnation toward that
original and flawless paradigmatic archetype. Now the original skull held within it this perfection, lest
it not be lost, and those crystal replicates that even today are crafted in your present time are capable of attracting the
energy from the hologram and holding portions of that energy, some hold more than others. The 12 + 1:
to Metatron: There is a legend that speaks of there being 13 skulls, can you speak on that? AAMetatron:
Yes, 13, but only one holding the full energy of the 12. So then were there manifested 12 that represented each of the 12
singular aspects of the one, and so the 12 surrounding the one in the center, became in time a ceremonial and symbolic observance.
Each one of the 12 then represented an aspect and an expression of each of the 12 dimensions of the earth plane, and each
of the 12 division of each integral dimension, each strand of DNA, each component of the 144 that is so critical to the Earth
experience, the Earth Plane. So then yes, each of the 12 is one twelfth of the one, the one containing the whole. In that
way there are 13, and this was recognized by mankind in LeMuria, and later in Atlantis, OG, Egypt and Yucatan. But again we wish to be clear, the 13 is the one whole and the 12 parts of the whole. And the one is the carrier of the
human paradigm, and that pattern is imbued within the Divine Mind of all mankind, as the soul is imprinted with it entering
this experience. The 13 Crystal Skulls are produced originally by the process of Morphocrystallic Manifestation,
involving the Pleadeans and Arcturians with imbuement of frequency to include the human genetic print from the Masters of
Orion. These are indeed your true extra terrestrial lineage, and the crystal skulls are the frequential record of same.
Extra Terrestrial Origin
Question to Metatron: And so the skulls were original from
Arcturius? AA Metatron: Better to say they were creatively conceived in Arcturius. There
the concept of the earth human experience was created and nurtured. We tell you that all humans have an experience of Arcturius,
and it is a realm of great creativity, a playground, in your vernacular, of all creativity. You will be surprised to know
that much of your creativity even as humans on the Earth, comes from an aspect of yourself that is tuned into the field, the
frequency of Arcturius. It is where man becomes creative. For instance those you consider artistic; where are they when they
drift into inspiration and are not in their body, we tell you that many of them are in Arcturius. Many of them are ,
interestingly , expressing the creativity in Arcturius. Is that not provocative? Question to Metatron:
I, like so many others, have become very drawn to the study of crystal skulls within the past year. Why is that, is it related
to the Ascension ? AA Metatron: Related in some ways, and yes there is a growing energy
around the pattern of the perfect human as the Ascension comes upon the earth. Yet in your case, it is also the desire to
understand the truth, to unravel part of the mystery. In that aspect then it is the same as your interest in geology or crystalline
gems. In some ways it is the same as crystallizing a thought into manifestation form. From an academic stance, it is then
the desire simply to make known the sacred mystery. Indeed Tyberonn worked with them as did many of Atlantis and other cultures.
There was the study of them to understand them, and it was discovered that by merging the human mind into them, that vast
stores of knowledge was unlocked and given. If one can merge a part of that energy data into themselves into that energy,
with that comes knowledge. It is a bit like spending time studying in a library. The knowledge within them is that of
the Universal Mind, and it is quite compelling and fascinating. It is enriching, and vast. It stimulates the awareness of
who you are you see. Placing your consciousness inside a crystal skull, and indeed that is the way to work with these, opens
portals and doors to a world beyond your grandest expectations. To enter into the skull however, is not like having a verbal
dialog, but more of a download you might say, a sudden and comprehensible receival of information that changes your paradigm,
expands your awareness. Some receive the information as visual images, others as information packets, downloads, if you will,
and at times both. The information is already in the subconscious, a deeper part of the subconscious that you term the super
subconscious. It exist in the realm of light you term ultra violet. And so the connection or the reason that
interest around the skulls is reaching a mass proportion is that indeed, with the coming nigh of the heralded graduation of
mankind within the Ascension, there is movement within mankind to better understand himself. And with these times is the need
to reject those patterns that no longer serve human kind, to recalibrate with those attributes and quintessential paragons
that do. Mankind is rebooting as is the Earth itself, indeed that is tantamount to and defines the Ascension. Systems that
no longer work in both macro and micro are breaking down, collapsing and will reform themselves. Indeed this is happening
now in your economic arenas. Now, the knowledge of the Universal Mind exists above and beyond the Crystal
Skull. Yet the Universal Mind is encompassed and zipped within it, and so encompassed in a way that benefits mankind. The
knowledge within it is formulated and transmuted, translated specifically in a format that offers itself for human access.
This then is within a specific pattern that is the prototype of perfection for mankind, as we have stated. Recalibration
Journeying into the skulls then recalibrates, reboots your mental awareness and more closely aligns you with
your perfection, your inner Divine SELF. So the best way for one to work with the crystal skull is to enter
them. Visualize yourself entering the cranium as if entering a crystal cave. Make yourself so tiny and so minute that you
become totally immersed and encapsulated within it. Make yourself as if insignificant within its vastness, and enter into
a world of wonder, and world of treasure. Open yourself to it and study what is presented, as you are indeed metaphorically
speaking, in the original cave of creation. Indeed each time you enter it can present to you a different world, a different
dimension, a different paradigm and parallel of crystalline thought. A different essence of learning can be presented each
time, from each direction and angle of entry. You will find that you may not depart from the same angle in which you entered,
and you will discover often that you exit as a different vibrational Being from whence you entered. So as
we have earlier stated, the Ascension is part of the increased awareness of the Crystal Skulls. In truth the Ascension is
the re-emergence of the Quantum Crystalline Energy of the Unified Field, and so it is tantamount that the Crystalline Skulls
re-emerge in this energy. You are but a few years from being in the precise center alignment of the Galaxy, and that succinct
vector enables so much of your higher SELF and higher consciousness to expand into celestial frequency. So
then it is the time to understand the purpose and powerful abilities of the ancient Crystal Skulls as part of this enigmatic
expansion. It is even more important to understand that they are part of a larger energy, a hologram that is now encompassing
your planet, and all 12 Light Dimensions around you. This hologram is indeed the Unified Field, the Crystalline frequency,
and it encompasses in the macro, your entire solar system, your sun, and of course the Earth. That you refer to as the Golden
Sun Disc are the 12 Rays, the DNA for your evolving planet in the same way that the Crystal Skulls incorporate the blueprint
for humanity. Quest of the Skulls : Awakening to the Sacred Rediscovery
That, Dear Ones,
is the reason why more attention is being given to the Crystal Skulls. That is the reason the 10% of mankind advanced
in higher light quotient are being drawn to work with them, and that many of the other 90% are having their curiosity peaked
on the subject. It is why the television documentaries are studying them, entertainment movies are formed around them, and
books are being written. It is why so many civilizations have been involved with human shaped skulls composed of various materials,
including crystal. Many of you have past sojourns in societies and cultures that recognized, understood and revered
the crystal skulls. Some of you made a sacred promise to awaken with them at this time, a hallowed oath you are now
feeling compelled to complete. The Crystal Skulls known in your world today, the ones that were originally
manifested in LeMuria and Atlantis are what you term the ancient ones, which are the approximate size of your own human skull
and most were found among ancient ruins. However, there are others you have not found, and others that exist in an etheric
dimension. There are some in the waters of the Atlantic and Caribbean, covered in the silts and sand of time. Now there have been numerous skulls found in the areas of Central America and Mexico in various sizes, some quite small.
Some up to 40 pounds. These are for the most part, particularly the smaller ones, manmade and do not possess the same energy
as the original, or as the manmade larger ones. The question has arisen as to the placement of the original
13. And this raises an interesting answer. Before we answer you must understand that the time-sequence of dimensions
of the Earth are not as you perceive them from your linear perspective. Rather all time co exists in the Multiverse within
the Quantum Unified Field. So there are many Earths, many parallel Earths and probable Earths, aligned with shifting
probable pasts and futures. All of which are valid and as real as the probable Earth you experience as tangible reality in
your lens of the eternal NOW. So speaking of probabilities in the past, there are myriad differing interpretations
that can be used to answer your question, all of which have their place. So in truth what has once existed or imagined still
exists. We have told you before that the Golden Era of Atlantis is from your future pulled into your perception of the past.
So having that complex axiom for you to ponder, we tell you there are many different crystal skulls and vibrational
levels. Many of these skulls are not of your current vibrational level or dimension. Yet the hologram of the pattern
they represent is a multidimensional insert , and is present frequentially within the omni-paradigm. The Multiverse
To explain a little further, the 'ALL THAT IS' is a projected illusion in the Alchemy of Time and Consciousness.
ALL are parallel running programs which you consciously co create and experience simultaneously in the MULTIVERSE.
Dimensional reality on the Earth is programmed to appear in a time sequence you perceive as linear. It is in your computer
terminology a program facilitated by a server, which in this case is the planetary grid. The programs can be inserted as
hologramic realities. There are epochs and eras , entire civilizations that are in a sense inserted into the Grid Server as
programs. That is why fully evolved civilizations can seem to have suddenly sprung up out of nowhere into the vast 'sea of
creation' within the flow of the collective unconsciousness, the consciousness grid that enables created realities. Linear
time is a functional, purposeful illusion. In truth all programs are running simultaneously. Therefore on the level of the
oversoul, you are experiencing many civilizations, and all lifetimes at the same time in the Unified Field of the Crystalline
Multiverse. But to answer your question in a context that is aligned to your current paradigm of the past,
we tell you that the original placement was on Mu. Placed in the sacred Temple of Hiva on the holy mountain known as Buelat.
And later in Atlantis there was a second manifestation of extra terrestrial origin skulls that were placed in the Temples
of Poseida. Some of these were lost in the deluge and during the chaotic exodus of Poseida along the land
bridge that connected to areas of the Yucatan. These lost in the tertiary tsunamis. Four remain intact. One has been seen
under the waters in a Temple in the Caribbean. Replicas were then created in Og and Egypt, to reform the 13. In time there
have been several sets of the 13, you see. But the original crystal skulls brought to MU are indeed
all intact. Now we will say that the initial 13 , the 12 plus 1, are in an etheric lock, placed in a dimensional chasm
below Tibet, and indeed there are Buddhist Monks of a secret order than maintain them. The 13 from Atlantis still exist in
the probable future. Isn't that interesting. Question to Metatron: It has been said that
the original 13 need to come together for the Ascension to occur. Can you speak on that? AAMetatron:
Dear One, as we have shared with you above, they are together. They are circled etherically below Tibet. You need not worry
that these need to be physically garnered and grasped and assembled together to unlock the door to Ascension. But let us clarify, a quintessential tangent to the point you raise, is that mankind is required to bring together
the 12 aspects to create the whole, and in truth this has been put in place since the pivotal event called the Harmonic Convergence.
What many of you feel regarding the 12 + 1 is the inner urge to rediscover within the original pattern
as transmitted by the Crystal Skulls. That is why many of you are now sensing an ancient call to acquire a modern model, and
begin allowing it to work with you. With it you can awaken the 12 strands and combine to the completion of the 13. So the call to gather the 13 is a dual call, a call to individually and collectively reunite the 12 to form the 13. It is
a spiritual calling, a sacred Quest, if you will, to awaken the Dreamer, and rediscover who you are in order to complete the
cycle. The Sacred 12 of the Earth Cycle The 12 has been so apparent in your reality and
cosmology myths: · 12 Strand DNA ·
12 Crystal Skulls · 12 Signs of the Zodiac ·
12 Hours of the Clock · 12 months of the Year ·
12 disciples of Christ · 12 Tribes of Israel ·
12 Knights of King Arthur · 12 Temples of Atlantis ·
12 Titans · 12 Sun Discs ·
12 Member Court · 12 Member Jury ·
12 Sacred Truths · 12 Chakras ·
12 Creator Gods · 12 Days of Christmas ·
12 Dimensions of Earth · The 12 squared, 144 of the rapture The progression to 13 then takes you to the closure of your biogenetic experiment at this phase level of reality,
created in linear time to understand emotions. 2012 is the event horizon for the evolution of consciousness foretold in all
your prophecies, when humanity awakens and souls return to 'source' as this program closes. Indeed it is the 2nd coming of
the Christos, the Crystalline Model. The Crystalline Material:
Now, moving forward, there was
a great effort after the fall of Mu and Atlantis from those of Yucatan and Og to recreate the models, This was done, and those
that have been found, for the most part, are these reproductions, although as stated 4 have been found from the second
extra terrestrial manifestation. The post deluge Atlanteans were still quite capable for a fleeting few
generations of recreating highly sophisticated replicate models. And there is a specific reason why crystalline substance
was chosen as the material to use for the skulls. Indeed, it is not an easy substance to carve or mold into a
shape. Yet we tell you that crystalline material other than quartz, was used by the indigenous to replicate the original models,
and that these too are capable of holding unique energy aspects of the Arcturian model. All crystalline material, and indeed
certain metals were used. Now in current times, there are many cutters who fashion crystal skulls in quartz
and other crystalline and metallic materials. As we have stated, these, specifically because of their cranial skull shape,
are capable of drawing into them portions of the energy field emitted by the 13 original skulls. How is
this you may ask? It is through the original intent and agreement of the collective unconscious, the Universal
Mind in tandem with the sentient attributes of the living Mineral Kingdom, the living sentience of the receiving mineral and
the living sentient field of the Crystalline model hologram. Each newly carved skull then, and indeed the crystalline
mineral used is not knew, most were formed hundreds of thousands of years ago, recognize the 'law' of purposed intent
and that harmonically attracts and receives from the 13 original skulls, various degrees and qualities of frequential downloads
from the 'thoughtform' projected by the original. All crystalline minerals are both transmitters and receivers you see. There is an additional 'secondary' imbuing and programming that occurs in the melding of the individual human's
field with the newly acquired skull. The mineral itself is capable of receiving, storing, amplifying and transforming the
human subconscious energy into its on. The skull then works consciously with each human 'seeker', most of whom are subconsciously
attracted to them because of past LeMurian, Atlantean and Mayan lifetimes. So those attracted to the skulls
then receive as within their acquired model, a portion of the whole, and the skull become by agreement, a teacher of
greater truth and offers glimpses into the perfection hologram. That is why some are now being called to acquire the newly
cut skulls, for indeed they open the pattern, they become teachers. They become allies and protectors for each of you on the
path of Mastery, and they manifest at the time you awaken to that call. These are quite different tools from
normal gems, crystals and indeed serve a different role than that of the Phi Crystals. Just as the Atlantean Temple Crystals
had specific cuts for specific functions, so do the Unique Purpose and Tandem Use Crystal Skulls have
a unique role that is quite separate in certain primary purpose, and quite similar in other secondary attributes. We can say that Phi Crystals take one to the Star Seed and Crystal Skulls offer the knowledge of the original
pattern. The former is the vehicle that moves and refines light energy, the latter the library. Well for those seekers of
Atlantean and LeMurian lineage to acquire both, indeed are there many benefits of working in tandem with both in this time
of awakening. Both are tools that offer themselves and amplify and expedite the journey, you see. Those of
you who spent sojourns in Mu, Atlantis, Og, Ignacious, Rama, Egypt, as Druids, as Tibetans, as Templars, Olmecs, Toltecs,
Mayans, Incas, Aztecs and Hopi carry an inner awareness of their purpose. You carry a sacred remembrance, and many of
you are now acquiring them in response to a sacred promise. Some of you in post Atlantean eras, ceremonially
used skulls fashioned from lapis lazuli, jade, rose quartz, agate, and turquoise. Even metallic minerals such as hematite,
gold, silver, and pyrite were used in some societies. While the non quartz materials did not have the same properties as crystals,
it was recognized by the savants that the other minerals assisted in different attributes, yet still received the hologramic
model of the original perfection of man projected by the initial thirteen. Such is the abilities of the living mineral kingdom
in its synergy, and sentient offering to assist in the unified evolvement of mankind and indeed the planet at this time. Do
you understand? Closing: A Species with Amnesia
So we tell you that human beings in
duality consciousness became a species with amnesia. You have forgotten who you really are. You have forgotten that you are
powerful spirits enacting the human experience. The quest then for mankind in mass and individually is to rediscover
your enlightened identity, and that identity is represented in the crystal skull. Enlightenment is for you to discover
within, and this is a tool for that recalibration. Indeed its already in you, in your Beingness, your subconscious, your DNA.
Spiritual enlightenment is not about following any Guru any Channel , but rather for you to find through personal discernment
, through your inner guidance. It's around accepting and KNOWING that the Divine Self is the spark of God within you, and
that you're an intricate and eternal portion of Creator God. And there are tools to help you along the way, there always
has been and will be. You are not alone. But Dear Ones, you have appointments to keep in this very special era of Ascension.
Perfection is in play. Truly, the Crystal Skulls are a reflection of the perfection in mankind. They
are ancient computers, programmed helpers which have answers fitted tidily within them to many of your trepidations, puzzles
and questions. When mankind individually and in mass is ready to use these Divine Libraries to meld
into perfection, they will offer a glimpse into incredible new worlds of beauty, creativity and unconditional love. Indeed
they have been dormant for millennia, waiting for this point in your linear time to reboot and awaken. Those of you who have
worked with the Crystal Skulls in past lifetimes are being called now to be with them again. Do you hear that call? Are you
one of the Keepers of the Crystalline Mystery? Its time for the Dreamer to awaken ! I am Metatron, and I
share with you these Truths. You are Beloved. And so it is. This channel
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 The Perfect Paradigm Crystal Skulls Channeler: James Tyberonn The Perfection Paradigm Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I encircle each of you with Unconditional Love.Masters, there is a pattern for your perfection, and you recalibrate
within it daily. We tell you that it is your indelible nature in human form to ever be in sacred resonance with the Divine
Pattern of Cosmic Evolution as it unfolds on the Earth. The Divine Pattern is in essence the ordained and organized blueprint
as it ever expands and unfolds. And while there are times your earthen expression does not match the pattern, it is indeed
yet within your higher self, and as such always obtainable, more so than you imagine. So be assured that despite what you may think of as errors, each and every one of you will
in time achieve Mastery, through the wisdom of cause, effect and remedial action.Accordingly every individual human life is a time-released artistic expression, as it is woven
into a magnificent multidimensional tapestry. It is a unique masterpiece that each of you craft, one linear sojourn at a time,
as it contours into an immaculate embodiment of perfection. All in time then do each of you complete the infinity circle,
the graduation beyond the causal plane, returning from whence you came into Divine Perfection. And so we speak of the pattern of the Perfect Human...Formatting Via the 13th Crystal Skull We will say in a truly valid context that all souls who enter into humankind do so first by passing thorough
a formatting process within the frequencial micro circuitry paradigm of the reality hologram. This is the same pattern that
is 'zipped' and solidified into the condensed model, that you term the 13th Crystal Skull. But here we must be clear, the
model of the crystal skull is the encompassing keeper or storage library of that greater frequencial hologram and its massive
frequencial data, but it is not the hologram itself. Rather
does it condense a replicate, store, transmute and project it into the 12 Earth Dimensions as a 'Conscious Crystalline Library',
and within it is a record of ALL. It is this paradigm that all of you recalibrate within during your nightly voyages called
sleep.We will also add, that each of you work with the
crystalline paradigm on an almost daily, or rather nightly basis. Each time you slumber, Dear Ones, you will at some point
within deep sleep stages enter the theta vibration in ultra-violet frequency that recalibrates your alignment to your divinity,
and this occurs through and within what is termed the Crystalline paradigm. The ongoing event of the 'Ascension' is bringing this vibratory theta resonance into closer proximity
and allowing for this field of recalibration to exist on the level of the 7th -12th dimension. It may not surprise some of you to know that this is process is being coded into the
graduating Earth through several mechanisms of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. The Cosmic Trigger is indeed feeding Coherent
Crystalline Codes into the areas of natural mineralogical crystals across the planet...the most auspicious of these being
Brazil , Arkansas, which receive and transmit the codes to other crystalline regions including Tibet, New Zealand, Patagonia,
Titicaca, The Pyrenees, Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and Eastern Africa. The process further involves the recoded of that termed the Golden Sun Discs through the crystalline codes of the 13th
Crystal Paradigm, condensed into the energy of that termed the Crystal Skull. All is a function of a science not yet recognized, that of the Physics of Coherent Crystalline Light.
Albeit unrecognized by the masses, and certainly unacknowledged by your academia and scientist, Crysto-Coherent -Light surrounds
you as the Ascension draws nigh. Indeed it is the science of light drawn through a crystal matrix. The Cosmic Trigger2011
and 2012 are energies of great intensity, and so of necessity you will evolve quickly through frequencial induction to be
much more sensitive to your surroundings as well as somewhat more susceptible to stimuli in the environments of the Earth's
Crystalline Transition as the 144-Grid nears final completion. But because of the expansive and requisite work you are doing
to adjust in this new energy, you will also evolve more insightfully.We have previously shared with you that the natural crystalline areas of the planet are reawakening and carrying greater
frequencies. This is occurring during the phases of the Cosmic-Trigger phenomena occurring during the March Equinoxes and
Triple Date Portals. The two largest natural crystal
deposits on the planet are the primary vortexial-portal generators of feeding the Cosmic Trigger downloads onto the planet.
These are in Brazil and Arkansas, and from these mega portals, the energy is disseminated globally through octahedronal structure.
Humanity is Converting to Silicate BaseWhile it is true that mankind is spirit having a human experience,
it is important for all humans to comprehend that you are not simply a visiting observer of the planet you live on. You are
co-creators of the planetary reality you exist in. And
in this planetary environ, humanity is equally part of the earth's living sphere, not frequencially above it, below it or
unique to it...but part of it. This understanding is an important key to understanding the mechanics of the upcoming leaps
in consciousness and evolution. And this is the logical
reason that the crystalline aspects of your earth's mineral kingdom, which are equally conscious, are the devices of energy
up shift that are increasing the Earth and Humanities frequencial environ. But it does not end there. Masters the human body is transitioning from a carbon base to a silicate base,
thus becoming more crystalline physically. Indeed that is why so many of you are now more drawn than ever to gems and crystals,
and indeed the crystalline areas of the planet...and to the Crystal Skulls. For within these are the recoding to the library
& paradigm of the Crystalline Pattern. The Original
BlueprintThat you term the 'Crystal Skulls', in your
vernacular, provide both nurturing and frequencial data coding for the transition into expanded idealologies such that you
need not wait through the linear passage of calendric time to proclaim the arrival of the heralded Ascension to embody Ascended
Truth as your own.Within the Crystal Skulls then are
vast libraries of information pertinent to the intense changes taking place on Earth, and these are truly essential to mankind
in micro and macro. The Crystal Skulls contain vibrational codes that are emanated from their as yet unrecognized structures
that are intelligently embellished beyond your imagination in technical and sacred variety and diversity. The skulls are the
paradigm of the 'Ascension Paradigm' and of the 'Perfected Human Prototype'. This new emerging paradigm promotes an improved
quality of life and reinforces your ability to choose new virtual perspectives while encouraging the release obsolete beliefs
that no longer serve you. The Crystal Skulls then can
be said to encompass a transition that is 'Virtual' change. By 'virtual' we mean that it is a mental etheric program working
within your Divinity that precedes the outer shift. This
allows a different expression of self within the status quo or unchanged physical environment of the 3d Earth. The key is
to make ongoing desirable changes for and within the self and to fully embody these as if your future depended upon them.
Linear Perspectives From a linear Earth perspective the Crystal Skull is a human-shaped cranium made out of
various types of crystalline material, most commonly quartz. Yet we will tell you the original skull is of an extra terrestrial
conglomerate of what may be termed supra quartz, containing within it pure quartz that is alloyed with aspect of diamond and
alloyed in an alchemical sense with frequencial gold. It is a similar material used in the Crystalline Moon of Atlantis, and
the magnificent Temple Crystals, similar but not exact. Indeed the original skulls predate in linear terms, the Atlantean
Temple Crystals.Only two of the Crystal Skulls in current
circulation at the present time, are of extra terrestrial origin, and this we have spoken of previously. These original crystal
skulls came from another world, and another reality. All
realities are created based on the pattern of crystalline sacred geometric consciousness through the Golden Mean Phi Ratio.
Humanity and indeed your physical Earth(s) are conceived within these paradigmic matrix formulae. And so were the Crystal
Skulls formulated in kind, yet from a far greater frequency, a frequency of perfection. The skulls are indeed formed as the
prototype of the perfect human consciousness, lest it not be forgotten in duality. So within it is contained the perfection
of the human being, encompassing within all aspects, the twelve sacred aspects you see, and thus was it formulated and thus
was its reason for being brought here. Originally then
did those carriers bring the crystalline patterned skulls to the Earth from Arcturius and the Pleiades, and it was brought
into the land that became LeMuria, but indeed the model was brought before the planet was fully in polarity. It was brought
into the planet at the time of the Firmament you see, in a zero point Earth, a non-magnetic plane we will say. In an Earthen
World that knew perfection, that was inhabited by androgynous manifestation of Etheric Spirit in full consciousness. Yet at
that time it was already known that the Firmament would fall, would dissolve and the plan then was that this model, this extraordinary
hologramic record, the original crystal skull would serve as the prototype of this initial integral aspect. And so it contains
within it the model of the 12 strands of DNA, the fully conscious clear mind and Beingness of the evolved human. The crystal skulls contain within them that which you were before
the human experiment, and what you will be when you complete it, the infinity circle. So the original crystal skulls were manifested into form above and beyond physicality, and
have been brought into physicality various times. As such no true physical age can be assigned to them, because they have
appeared, disappeared and reappeared many times in the millions of years of Earths habitation by mankind. The crystalline skull was solidified and programmed in a most complex process. It was
conceived to contain within it an incredible frequency that in itself attached to the hologram. So the crystalline skull then
is an honoring remembrance and imbuing transmitter that indelibly prints within the soul that which is the perfect model.
It is imbued within the divine aspect of the soul when it enters into the earth pattern from the unified field. In a manner
of speaking it is the pattern recorded into the God Self, the Subconscious or super subconscious of the human mind, you see?
The perfected man, not the version of what man would later become in the down spiral of the human experience, but rather as
the original print that man aspires and evolves back into through the growth cycle termed reincarnation toward that original
and flawless paradigmatic archetype.Now the original
skull held within it this perfection, lest it not be lost, and those crystal replicates that even today are crafted in your
present time are capable of attracting the energy from the hologram and holding portions of that energy, some hold more than
others. Max is indeed one of the 'original' Crystal
Paradigms, in your terms. He is of Pleiadean & Arcturian construct and origin. MAX is a vast consciousness, akin to a
super computer, with a considerable library of data contained therein. He is the most powerful, most conscious of all of the
remaining 'Ancient Crystal Skulls'. He is one of two skulls that are truly extra terrestrial in origin. The other is termed
"Sha Na Ra". Both originate from the moon of an enormous planet, approximately 20 X the size of your largest planet,
Jupiter, circulating Arcturius., the orange star of creativity.Extra Terrestrial OriginQuestion to Metatron:
And so the two extra terrestrial crystal skulls were originally from Arcturius? AA Metatron: Better to say they were creatively conceived in Arcturius. There the concept of the
earth human experience was created and nurtured. We tell you that all humans have an experience of Arcturius, and it is a
realm of great creativity, a playground, in your vernacular, of all creativity. You will be surprised to know that much of
your creativity even as humans on the Earth, comes from an aspect of yourself that is tuned into the field, the frequency
of Arcturius. It is where man becomes creative. For instance those you consider artistic; where are they when they drift into
inspiration and are not in their body, we tell you that many of them are in Arcturius. Many of them are, interestingly, expressing
the creativity in Arcturius. Is that not provocative?The
12 + 1Question to Metatron: There is a legend that speaks
of there being 13 skulls, can you speak on that?AAMetatron:
Yes, 13, but only one holding the full energy of the 12. So then were there manifested 12 that represented each of the 12
singular aspects of the one, and so the 12 surrounding the one in the center became in time a ceremonial and symbolic observance.
Each one of the 12 then represented an aspect and an expression of each of the 12 dimensions of the earth plane, and each
of the 12 division of each integral dimension, each strand of DNA, each component of the 144 that is so critical to the Earth
experience, the Earth Plane. But again we wish to be
clear, the 13 is the one whole and the 12 parts of the whole. And the one is the carrier of the human paradigm, and that pattern
is imbued within the Divine Mind of all mankind, as the soul is imprinted with it entering this experience.The 13th Crystal Skull was produced originally by the process of Morphocrystallic Manifestation,
involving the Arcturian crystal source with imbuement of an alchemical frequency to include the human genetic print from the
Masters of Arcturius and the Pleiadean-Sirius Alliance. The
knowledge within the original Crystal Skulls is that of the Universal Mind. It is enriching, and vast. Accessing this information
stimulates the awareness of who you are you see. Placing your consciousness inside a crystal skull, and indeed that is the
way to work with these, opens portals and doors to a world beyond your grandest expectations. To enter into the skull however,
is not like having a verbal dialog, but more of a download you might say, a sudden and comprehensible receival of information
that changes your paradigm, expands your awareness. Some receive the information as visual images, others as information packets,
downloads, if you will, and at times both. The information is already in the subconscious, a deeper part of the subconscious
that you term the super subconscious. It exist in the realm of light you term ultra violet.And so the connection or the reason that interest around the skulls is reaching a mass
proportion is that indeed, with the coming of the Ascension, there is movement within mankind to better understand himself.
And with these times is the need to reject those patterns that no longer serve human kind, to recalibrate with those attributes
and quintessential paragons that do.Mankind is rebooting
as is the Earth itself, indeed that is tantamount to the Ascension. Systems that no longer work in both macro and micro are
breaking down, collapsing and will reform themselves. Indeed this is happening now in your economic arenas. Now, the knowledge of the Universal Mind certainly exists above and beyond the Crystal
Skull. Yet the Universal Mind is encompassed and zipped within it, and so encompassed in a way that benefits mankind. The
knowledge within it is formulated and transmuted, translated specifically in a format that offers itself for human access.
This then is within a specific pattern that is the prototype of perfection for mankind, as we have stated. Question to Metatron: Can you speak of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull?Metatron: This is an extremely powerful 'cranium computer', and contains within it
a vast energy. Its crystalline clarity and unique axial alignment has enabled it to absorb and amplify the energies of all
that have gathered around it. It has also been able to download much of the energy of the crystalline paradigm, this is the
unique aspect of quartz craved into the cranium model. Question
to Metatron: Is it extra terrestrial in origin, or ancient?Metatron: All crystal minerals are geologically ancient in your terms. The skull you query however is not extra terrestrial
in origin is as is MAX and Sha-Na-Ra, and was fashioned and carved approximately 150 years ago in current linear time measurement.
But do not conclude that it is not extremely powerful, it is very conscious & contains a great portion of the crystalline
paradigm. But it is not the 13th collation. The Mitchell-Hedges skull is of African, not Brazilian quartz. And its crystalline
aspect is that of Ancient Rama and is very very special. The supra clarity aspect and unusual axial alignment of this skull
are very potent.MAX and Sha-Na-Ra Are Extra TerrestrialOf the renowned crystal skulls, the one termed MAX is greater in
energy and frequency than all of the others, for it contains the full 13th union. It is through Max that the recoding of the
planetary energy is occurring. This is being processed through the Sun Disc and Octahedronal Quartz areas. This will occur
on the 11-11-11 and 12-12-12 . Max is extra terrestrial and his crystalline matrix was enhanced through the Arcturians and
Pleiadeans. Max has an embellished crystalline molecular quality that cannot as yet be recognized by your science. MAX is multidimensional beyond your imagination. Max has an etheric
quality capable of storing the complete history of the Cosmos and indeed contains the Akashic Library within, and the energy
of every epoch. Its five matrixes and double axis are quite beyond anything else on the earth. Sha-Na-Ra contains a similar
molecular quality, and can be said to be secondary of the known skulls, but is not as grand in energetic field or capacity
as Max. In many ways Sha-Na-Ra compliments Max.The amethysts
skull, Amis is indeed carved thousands of years ago, is extremely powerful, but of earth origin as are all of the others,
with the 2 extra terrestrial sourced exceptions as stated. But Masters, every skull is geologically & mineralogically
ancient and capable of carrying varying potent degrees of the consciousness of MAX. But MAX is the generating source.How to Work With Crystal SkullsJourneying into the skulls then recalibrates, reboots your mental awareness and more closely
aligns you with your perfection, your inner Divine SELF.So
the best way for one to work with the crystal skull is to enter them. Visualize yourself entering the cranium as if entering
a crystal cave. Make yourself so tiny and so minute that you become totally immersed and encapsulated within it. Make yourself
as if insignificant within its vastness, and enter into a world of wonder, and world of treasure. Open yourself to it and
study what is presented, as you are indeed metaphorically speaking, in the original cave of creation. Indeed each time you
enter it can present to you a different world, a different dimension, a different paradigm and parallel of crystalline thought.
A different essence of learning can be presented each
time, from each direction and angle of entry. You will find that you may not depart from the same angle in which you entered,
and you will discover often that you exit as a different vibrational Being from whence you entered. So as we have earlier stated, the Ascension is part of the increased awareness of the
Crystal Skulls. In truth the Ascension is the re-emergence of the Quantum Crystalline Energy of the Unified Field, and so
it is tantamount that the Crystalline Skulls re-emerge in this energy. You are but a few years from being in the precise center
alignment of the Galaxy, and that succinct vector enables so much of your higher SELF and higher consciousness to expand into
celestial frequency. So then it is the time to understand
the purpose and powerful abilities of the ancient Crystal Skulls as part of this enigmatic expansion. It is even more important
to understand that they are part of a larger energy, a hologram that is now encompassing your planet, and all 12 Light Dimensions
around you. This hologram is indeed the Unified Field, the Crystalline frequency, and it encompasses in the macro, your entire
solar system, your sun, and of course the Earth. That you refer to as the Golden Sun Disc are the 12 Rays, the DNA for your
evolving planet in the same way that the Crystal Skulls incorporate the blueprint for humanity. Quest of the Skulls : Awakening to the Sacred RediscoveryThe question has arisen as to the placement of the original 13. And this raises an
interesting answer. Before we answer you must understand that the time-sequence of dimensions of the Earth are not as you
perceive them from your linear perspective. Rather all time co exists in the Multiverse within the Quantum Unified Field.
So there are many Earths, many parallel Earths and probable Earths, aligned with shifting probable pasts and futures. All
of which are valid and as real as the probable Earth you experience as tangible reality in your lens of the eternal NOW.So speaking of probabilities in the past, there are myriad differing
interpretations that can be used to answer your question, all of which have their place. So in truth what has once existed
or imagined still exists. We have told you before that the Golden Era of Atlantis is from your future pulled into your perception
of the past. So having that complex axiom for you to ponder, we tell you there are many different crystal skulls and vibrational
levels. Many of these skulls are not of your current vibrational level or dimension. Yet the hologram of the pattern they
represent is a multidimensional insert , and is present frequencially within the omni-paradigm, and this is represented in
the present through MAX.The MultiverseDimensional reality on the Earth is programmed to appear in a time sequence you perceive
as linear. It is in your computer terminology a program facilitated by a server, which in this case is the 144-Crystalline
grid. Through the 144-Grid the sub- programs of 'time' are inserted as hologramic realities. There are epochs and eras , entire
civilizations that are inserted into the Grid Server as programs. That is why fully evolved civilizations can seem to have
suddenly sprung up out of nowhere into the vast 'sea of creation' within the flow of the collective unconsciousness, the consciousness
grid that enables created realities. Linear time is a functional, purposeful illusion. In truth all programs are running simultaneously.
Therefore on the level of the oversoul, you are experiencing many civilizations, and all lifetimes at the same time in the
Unified Field of the Crystalline Multiverse.Question
to Metatron: It has been said that the original 13 need to come together for the Ascension to occur. Can you speak on that?AAMetatron: Dear One, as we have shared with you above, they are
together. They are circled etherically below Tibet. You need not worry that these need to be physically garnered and grasped
and assembled together to unlock the door to Ascension. But
let us clarify, a quintessential tangent to the point you raise, is that mankind is required to bring together the 12 aspects
to create the whole, and in truth this has been put in place since the pivotal event called the Harmonic Convergence, and
will finalize with the completion of the 144-Crystalline Grid in December of 2012. What many of you feel regarding the 12 + 1 is the inner urge to rediscover within the original
pattern as transmitted by the Crystal Skulls. That is why many of you are now sensing an ancient call to acquire a 'modern-carved'
model, and begin allowing it to work with you. With it you can awaken the 12 strands and combine to the completion of the
13.So the call to gather the 13 is a dual call, a call
to individually and collectively reunite the 12 to form the 13. It is a spiritual calling, a sacred Quest, if you will, to
awaken the Dreamer, and rediscover who you are in order to complete the cycle.The Crystalline Material: Now, moving
forward, there was a great effort after the fall of Mu and Atlantis from those of Yucatan and Og to recreate the models, the
skull Amis is one of these. This was done, and those that have been found, for the most part, are these reproductions, although
as stated 2 have been found from the second extra terrestrial manifestation. The post deluge Atlanteans were still quite capable for a fleeting few generations of recreating highly
sophisticated replicate models. And there is a specific reason why crystalline substance was chosen as the material to use
for the skulls. Indeed, it is not an easy substance to carve or mold into a shape. Yet we tell you that crystalline material
other than quartz, was used by the indigenous to replicate the original models, and that these too are capable of holding
unique energy aspects of the Arcturian model. All crystalline material, and indeed certain metals were used.Now in current times, there are many cutters who fashion crystal skulls in quartz and
other crystalline and metallic materials. As we have stated, these, specifically because of their cranial skull shape, are
capable of drawing into them portions of the energy field emitted by the 13 original skulls. How is this you may ask? It is through the original intent and agreement of the collective
unconscious, the Universal Mind in tandem with the sentient attributes of the living Mineral Kingdom, the living sentience
of the receiving mineral and the living sentient field of the Crystalline model hologram. Each newly carved skull then, and
indeed the crystalline mineral used is not knew, most were formed hundreds of thousands of years ago, recognize the 'law'
of purposed intent and that harmonically attracts and receives from the 13 original skulls, various degrees and qualities
of frequencial downloads from the 'thoughtform' projected by the original. All crystalline minerals are both transmitters
and receivers you see. There is an additional 'secondary'
imbuing and programming that occurs in the melding of the individual human's field with the newly acquired skull. The mineral
itself is capable of receiving, storing, amplifying and transforming the human subconscious energy into its own. The skull
then works consciously with each human 'seeker', most of whom are subconsciously attracted to them because of past LeMurian,
Atlantean and Mayan lifetimes.So those attracted to
the skulls then receive as within their acquired model, a portion of the whole, and the skull become by agreement, a teacher
of greater truth and offers glimpses into the perfection hologram. That is why some are now being called to acquire the newly
cut skulls, for indeed they open the pattern, they become teachers. They become allies and protectors for each of you on the
path of Mastery, and they manifest at the time you awaken to that call.These are quite different tools from normal gems, crystals and indeed serve a different role than that of the Phi Crystals.
Just as the Atlantean Temple Crystals had specific cuts for specific functions, so do the Unique Purpose and Tandem UseCrystal Skulls have a unique role that is quite separate in certain
primary purpose, and quite similar in other secondary attributes.We can say that Phi Crystals are energy amplifiers that take one to the Star Seed and Crystal Skulls offer the calibration
and knowledge of the original pattern. The former is the vehicle that moves and refines light energy, the latter the pattern
and library. Well for those seekers of Atlantean and LeMurian lineage to acquire both, indeed are there many benefits of working
in tandem with both in this time of awakening. Both are tools that offer themselves and amplify and expedite the journey,
you see.Closing: A Species with AmnesiaSo we tell you that human beings in duality consciousness became
a species with amnesia. You have forgotten who you really are. You have forgotten that you are powerful spirits enacting the
human experience. The quest then for mankind in mass and individually is to rediscover your enlightened identity, and that
identity is represented in the crystal skull. Enlightenment
is for you to discover within, and this is a tool for that recalibration. Indeed its already in you, in your Beingness, your
subconscious, your DNA. Spiritual enlightenment is not about following any Guru any Channel , but rather for you to find through
personal discernment , through your inner guidance. It's around accepting and KNOWING that the Divine Self is the spark of
God within you, and that you're an intricate and eternal portion of Creator God. And there are tools to help you along the way, there always has been and will be. You are not alone.
But Dear Ones, you have appointments to keep in this very special era of Ascension. Perfection is in play. Truly, the Crystal Skulls are a reflection of the perfection in mankind. They are ancient
computers, programmed helpers which have answers fitted tidily within them to many of your trepidations, puzzles and questions...regardless
of when they were carved. It is the paradigm, the hologram and it is accessible to all.When mankind individually and in mass is ready to use these Divine Libraries to meld into
perfection, they will offer a glimpse into incredible new worlds of beauty, creativity and unconditional love. Indeed they
have been dormant for millennia, waiting for this point in your linear time to reboot and awaken. Those of you who have worked
with the Crystal Skulls in past lifetimes are being called now to be with them again. Do you hear that call? Are you one of
the Keepers of the Crystalline Mystery? It's time for the Dreamer to awaken !I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.And so it is.
