Ivor & Sheila Hutchings A MESSAGE FROM LORD SANANDA (JESUS)ON 21ST APRIL 2011. IVOR opened in prayer. LORD
SANANDA: Good morning my friends. Well, I am so sorry you have had such an obstructive journey this morning.
Had it been my choice I would have had you brought much earlier this morning. (Our car had broken down) Mechanical
things take time to repair and I can assure you things will go smoothly from here on in. Now, my Sister, I see you have
some paperwork for me. Well then, let us begin shall we? SHEILA: Yes, we have had some messages left on our website.
We have had two from James. In the one dated 5th April he says that he is amazed because this is the page
of Jesus, Lord Sananda. He goes on to say that he was never a very religious person, but always felt a special
love for you. Now he knows that the Christian Religion since the beginning was a lie. He is a little confused
because there are many versions of the History of Jesus. He is going to read the messages of Jesus and then ask some
questions. He asks if this is possible. LORD SANANDA: Thank you so much that you have asked about the history
of me. In my last incarnation as Jesus – and I am sure you will have a few questions – I would say to you,
my Brother, yes, the Christian Church has been guilty of – how shall we say – not presenting the facts as clearly
as they happened, but this has been largely due to the translation from the original scripture, the original writings of my
Disciples - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - you know them all I am sure, and those that are coming to light that have been
hidden. I would say to you James, read the transcripts and then consider and meditate on what you know, and then look
into your heart and find the truth, and know that I came to show mankind what is possible of every living humanbeing in this
world that you know as the earth. The only stumbling block to the perfection has been mankind’s freewill.
Now there are many things that mankind has yet to learn even before Ascension begins, and I would say to you James, ask your
questions, meditate on the answers and there, my Beloved, I know you will find the truth. In Love and Light James. SHEILA:
We have received another message from James dated 6th April. Amongst other things he states that he is very
happy because at last he now understands what Ascension means, and that he knows he can ascend with your help. He asks,
once again, if he may ask some questions through the Amethyst Group? LORD SANANDA: My Beloved James.
I thank you so much for leaving your messages for the Amethyst Group to pass on to me, and I am so pleased that you are so
happy, and of course, you may ask some questions and I would like to ask a question of you though, James. Because you
are so happy will you be ready to share this wonderful good news with other friends of perhaps a like mind, or perhaps are
not quite so like-minded as you. I appreciate this may be difficult but I would urge you to read and reread some of
the messages that have been sent and then gird yourself with as much knowledge as you can, and pass that on to as many people
as will listen, and any questions you have or that they raise I will be happy to answer them for you . Thank you James.
In love and light. SHEILA: The next one is from Roger dated 7th April saying thank you for the comforting
messages and asking when we go to the new world will we turn into lightbodies with no physical touch? He says he find
this a little unsettling. LORD SANANDA: My Beloved Roger. Yes, as you are an extremely tactile person yourself
I can understand how you feel you will miss the physical touch, but I have to say that in your lightbody this will far surpass
anything you have felt through the flesh and blood of your fingers. I could not imagine why you should wish to want
to retain your physical body but if you wish to you can, but it really will hamper you because you will be living in a world
of light and in that light you will only need the vibration of light to exist, to experience everything that you feel through
your fingers, that you see through your eyes, that you smell through your nose, that you taste through your mouth in this
present world. In your new world you will experience these senses and many more so please, do not concern yourself that
you will be missing anything of the physical realm for you will have that, but it will be on a much more enhanced level.
In love and light Roger. SHEILA: This is a comment from Glenda Casey dated 8th April asking if there
is an Amethyst Group in Australia that she could contact by telephone. Well, I am afraid there is no Amethyst Group
in Australia but perhaps someone from an Ascension Group in Australia reading this will kindly contact Glenda. A reply
from Michelle dated 12th April recommended that Roger should read the archived channelled readings on our
website which date back to May 2010. She also goes on to say “In your last urgence it brought to mind a Christian
Church Leader that I know would be open to reminding his congregation about what you said, and that was Pastor Joel Osteen
from Houston, TX.” LORD SANANDA: My Beloved Michelle, thank you for guiding other readers to the Amethyst
Messages, and I also thank you so much for remembering Pastor Joel. If there is any way that we can help him to re-establish
this information with his congregation we would be delighted to do so. Perhaps there is some way we could have a transatlantic
link-up and I could address his congregation personally. That would be really something, but for the moment I would
be very happy to answer any questions that Pastor Joel himself may have, and if he wishes to place them on the website I am
sure that my Beloved Brothers and Sisters will keep a sharp eye out for any questions that he may ask. It is wonderful
to see that you are all beginning to help each other in this way. A small start but I know it will lead to great things
and thank you Michelle for your kindness and your thoughts of love for others. In Love and Light.
Now, may I say to those who read my messages, all the information you require about the Ascension, individually as a race,
as a culture, as a planet, I have given it to you over the last twelve months. You should now be concentrating on putting
that information into place wherever you live. If you are not able, or not, shall we say, fortunate enough to have an Amethyst
Group in the place where you live, then find a group that will help you to meditate, help you to develop all of the healing
power that you have within you, and will help you bring it out. Use the Amethyst Revelations as a textbook, use them
as a reference book. Use it as something that you can – how is the phrase – you can dip in and dip out of.
If you need to know about meditation it is there, it tells you there how to take yourselves away to a quiet place. If
you have any questions, if you are unsure about your chakra centres, if you are unsure about energy, then my friends you must
get in touch, do the homework. I have given you as much information as I can possibly give you at this time. This
is the time, this year and the next, for you to prepare so that you have some knowledge and some understanding of the final
phase of the Ascension Plan.
I understand that some of you have a great difficulty in trying to understand this, trying to understand that what you know
in this world will soon pass away, but rather than look at it as the end I would urge you rather to look at it as the beginning.
It is the beginning of a new phase, a new phase of life for you as an individual, for each and everyone of you by name, for
every John or James, Michelle or Marjorie, Sheila, or Sue or Ivor or whoever is out there, it is the beginning of a new phase
for you, but if you don’t start now you will miss the beginning, and it is important that you don‘t miss the beginning
for it is your acquired knowledge, your understanding, that will be needed for both your Ascension and for those who choose
to remain ignorant of its far-reaching connotations.
Now, I believe you may have some questions for me? SHEILA: I have a question dear Master. I was watching
a religious programme the other night on the television, a Christian programme debating various points, and they were making
great play on Christians not being able to accept gay relationships in our world. I feel that as long as this
is all done in love, partners getting together to make each other happy, and the love bond is there, can this be criticised? LORD
SANANDA: I feel that the love between the so-called gay community has long been denied any religious acceptance.
Now, in the new world, since you will all be virtually genderless, it does not really make any difference whether one loves
a being in a male physical form because the male physical form will not be there, it will be just the vibration, so it could
be argued that those who are gay and love those of the same gender, perhaps they are vibrating on a higher level any way,
and are able to see past the normal attraction of the heterosexual community. Now, in many cases those who love gay
partners choose to remain celebate, even with each other, and this surely could be debated as unconditional love. There
is no denying that particularly in the male gender there are some physically attractive men, and they are attracted to their
own gender as well as to the female gender. This is more difficult to understand, I think in your community, that a
man may love a man and a woman equally so, but then again, should it not be argued that they are looking past the gender and
looking at the love within.
Now, I see the difficulty within the religious and political arena, particularly in some countries where this is still against
the law of that country, but I feel it should not be denied to anyone who is gay or lesbian or – I do not know the term
for it – one loves both gender. It is a matter of loving all and it is a matter of loving unconditionally, and
I think if this is the case, there should be a greater acceptance within any political or cultural existence, but I understand
the difficulty that this causes. I also understand the difficulty that it causes for those in the religious arena, particularly
in America where they have had a vicious debate on whether gay or lesbian priests should be ordained into service. Ordination
is really not such a volatile point for myself. Those who wish to serve me serve me, and all they need is their heart
and their love, they do not need to be processed and everything else, but it is a form of ritual that mankind has elongated
and embellished down through the centuries and I doubt, whatever I say, it will not stop it, but all I am saying is, if one
wishes to serve me, either he or she, whether they have a love for themselves, for each other, for the opposite sex or whatever
gender they believe they are, then they may come, give me their hearts, give me their love and I will accept them willingly. SHEILA:
Thank you for that dear Master. LORD SANANDA: I would not wish anyone reading any of these transcripts to think
that they are barred from Ascension because of their race, their culture, their sexual orientation, their religious belief,
their criminal record even. I would not wish anyone to think that they are barred from Ascension. I do not want
anyone to read anything about Ascension and think to themselves that is not for me. It is for you, it is for every living
human being in this world, right here and now. I don’t care what colour you are. I don’t care whether
you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish , whatever you are, I don’t care. If you want to leave this world and ascend
and you will come with unconditional love, then you are free to do so, but I say here and now, look into your heart, find
the truth and the truth also will set you free, so come, come.
Have you another question? SHEILA: According to our newspapers a Professor at Cambridge University has stated
that the “Last Supper” did not take place on Maundy Thursday, at the time given by the Church. He states
that it took place on the Wednesday before the crucifixion, a day earlier. He believes his findings could present a
case for introducing a fixed date for Easter. According to his calculations the crucifixion took place on April 3rd,
and the resurrection on April 5th. Do you wish to make a comment? LORD SANANDA: Do you know -
I really dislike Easter – well, you see the two greatest points that come up for discussion every year in your Western
world and the Christian Community is when I was born and when I died. I am really not quite sure why everybody is so
animated about these dates because firstly the system for keeping time when I was on the earthplane last was totally different
to the system of time that you have now. I was in a different country so what maybe noted as springtime in the United
Kingdom will be different than springtime in the land of my birth.
Now, the last supper. We ate at sundown. That is a tradition that has never changed in my country. All Jews
eat at sundown, it doesn’t matter whether it is winter, summer, autumn or spring. We all eat at sundown because
that is the time in the peasant world – and I talk of peasants, today you may call them farmers, landowners, whatever
- but that is the time when all of the chores are done for the day so we are able to sit down to our last meal of the day,
we bless one another, we eat, we drink and then we sleep. That particular night we all gathered together in a
special room, and yes it happened to be an upper room because the lower room is not really the best place to eat because it
is very dusty, it is very dirty, and it is also very busy, lots of people going by, and you have to remember that at this
time I was under suspicion from the Roman Authority, and all my friends – no different today than if your Prime Minister
chose to have a supper with his Cabinet, although I doubt very much if he would be under suspicion from an opposing political
party if he did this, but we had our last supper.
I knew that it would be the last meal that we would share together, none of my Disciples did. Mary Magdalen was there
as were other women as well, guests of my Disciples, wives of my Disciples, and yes there will be those in the Christian Community
I am sure will say “That could never have taken place, that could never have happened, that was not the tradition”.
You have to remember my friends that we were breaking with tradition, we had broken with tradition all over our country for
the last three, four or five years, in my mission. We did have a last supper and I did break the bread as we always
do at the beginning of our meal so that we may dip it in the food that we eat. It is the same as I think you call Pitta
Bread, unleaven bread. We break it; it sups up the juices beautifully. We had wine, we had talk we had discussion
on what we should do next, and then the events began to happen. Judas left, I went out into the garden, some followed –
in fact many followed – and you know the history of events from thereon in.
Let me repeat, the date you celebrate Easter falls in firstly with the political planning, secondly with the planning of the
Church, and thirdly with the moon phases. How many times have you heard people say “Oh Easter is early this year”
“Easter is late this year”, it is a movable feast as far as this world is concerned. For me it was just
another day and of course the time would have been different, but here again we go back to the old Church because when the
New Church or the Christian Church came to your land there had been a different way in worshipping everything, and in fact
Easter is called “The Festival of Oestra” which is the lifegiver. Oestra is Greek and in fact oestrogen
comes from the word Oestra, and Oestra is part of the chemical which creates new life in the woman - oestrogen and progesterone.
Now the reason that Easter was put so close to Oestra in the beginning was to pacify those of the Druidic following and the
Pagan following because the Christian Church was not as powerful as it is today and it did not want to upset the Druidic people
and the Pagans that had great sway with the royal families of centuries lost.
It is the same at Christmas, you celebrate my birthday in the month of December, or, if you want to be correct it should be
September. You celebrate my birthday at Christmas because it comes near or on the Winter Solstice. Again, another Pagen
Druidic Festival. This is why it has been brought together because the Christians, who were new to your land, wanted
to assuage and keep the Druidic followers because they were extremely powerful, so I hope this has answered it for you. SHEILA:
Oh yes, thank you. At our meeting a hologram of you and the shroud was produced and everyone wondered if this is what
you looked like when you were on the earthplane? LORD SANANDA: You would like a description of what I look like? SHEILA:
Yes please, if you wouldn’t mind. LORD SANANDA: I am dark, I have dark hair, as you would expect, because
I am of Arabic descent. I have blue eyes which are unusual because most people of my race have brown eyes but mine are
blue. I think they have been described as the colour of cornflowers. I keep facial hair in keeping with a Jewish
Family. The colour of my eyes set me apart. My beard is quite long, as long as my hair which is shoulder-length.
It is curly, very thick and very dark. I have quite a broad nose, one I think you already equate with one of Jewish
birth. Thickish lips. My height is probably – I will use the old-fashioned measurement – I am probably
about 5’ 9, not slim but not fat, and my skin is of one who would be slightly sun-burned I think you would say, sallow,
and if you would like to know my favourite food it is dates. My favourite designer is .....(laughing) Actually
my Mother made my robes, just homespun, natural yarn, and I may say it is not as fine as the cloth of the shroud that I was
buried in, but yes I do look similar to the picture that is on the shroud. Of course that is not my best image.
Oh, and my sandals are leather, well not actually leather, they are made of camel. We didn’t tend to have cattle
but we did have camels which were used to both feed and clothe us when they got past service. Although my parents didn’t
have any camels, just a mule, you could go to the market and purchase cheap offcuts which my Mother would make into shoes
for all of us, and they would have been – you have a quaint description of Jesus’ sandals – they weren’t
like that at all, they were more like shoes which covered our feet, but remember that my trade was a Carpenter and I needed
obviously some protection against wood and some hard things that I worked with, and we would use a sandal only on high days
and holidays. Most of the time we would go barefoot, but for walking to the temple or for a long way, a sandal would
suffice and a soft camel shoe for working was the best, other times it was barefoot. SHEILA: As a Carpenter, dear
Master, what sort of work did you carry out? Did you make tables and chairs? LORD SANANDA: Well, yes, when
we had the time we would make things for the home but more often than not my Father and I were employed by either the Royal
House or Rich Merchants to shore up their buildings, make scaffolding, lintels and such like for the houses because the rock
in my part of the world where I lived was very soft and it cracked very easily with the sun, so many long-standing fixtures
– temples and suchlike – the frames were made of wood and pointed, and then on occasion the rock would be ground
down into sort of a paste with water and it would be smoothed over the lintel to make sure that the rock and the wood were
seamless. When it was set hard it would be painted over with many designs so we worked a lot of the time like that.
SHEILA: Did you use wooden pegs instead of nails? LORD SANANDA: We didn’t have nails,
they were only used by the Romans because they had access to the metal, but everything that we made was made of wood, and
then we would make something to bind it or sometimes we would carve a peg that had a block on the end to stop it going through
when we were putting things together. IVOR: Being a tradesman myself I was working several months ago and
for the second time I dropped a hammer on my big toe – the nail isn’t growing very well at the moment, but I enjoy
woodworking as well. LORD SANANDA: Many times that happened to us. Of course we didn’t have the metal
ones that you use, we would have wooden, and they were very heavy. Often I have seen my Father bang his finger
and my Mother would come rushing with a poultice of leaves or something to take the swelling down, and maybe for a day he
would not be able to work. I too have done it myself.
Well, once again it has been good talking to you but if there is nothing more may I take this opportunity to thank you for
coming today, and say to you, this is Easter weekend but celebrate life because that is what it is about. Farewell my

Sue Luffman, Ivor & Sheila Hutchings
8TH APRIL 2011
IVOR opened in prayer.
LORD SANANDA: Good evening my friends, how lovely it is
to see so many of you this evening, having answered my request to come, and just before we start I have to say to my friends
here, India was very hot. Forgive us for the little jest but I have been here earlier in the day and had to go elsewhere afterwards,
and this is just an illustration of how my love and my spirit, and indeed my own essence, is going across the face of your
earth which for you, at the present time, is rather a questioning and puzzling time of your existence.
Now I do hope
that many of you, all of you in fact, have come armed with some questions for me this evening, but before we get to the questions
I would like to make it clear to you some of the things that will take place in the coming days, in the coming months, which
will lead up to something which is called the Ascension Plan. Let me briefly outline to you, for I know that there are those
here that are not entirely clear what the Ascension Plan is.
The Ascension Plan started very strangely enough many,
many years ago. It started really with my last incarnation, and you may think it strange, that I, Lord Sananda - and I must
verify here that the name “Sananda” was given to me by mankind who talked to me across the aeons of centuries
in the realms that you call “spirit” - in my last incarnation you will have known me as Jesus the Christ, and
really the Ascension Plan started from that time.
My entire life, the entire thirty-three years I was on the earth
at that time, was to show you exactly what every single human-being who inhabits the earth is capable of doing. You have read
in the Book that you call the Bible some of the things I was capable of. They are called miracles, I really prefer to call
them transference of one thing to another. I saw a need, I knew that I had the ability to fulfil the need and the requirements
of that person, or that event, at the time, and I simply communed with my higherself to make that possible. You have heard
of the very first miracle of the water being turned into wine. Yes, that is easy to do, in fact it was really an illusion.
It was just the question of putting my hands over the water and changing the energy so that it became much more intoxicating
than the plain water that would have been available, but I tell you this because I want you to know that within each and everyone
of you, and although I can hear the doubts ringing in my ears at this very moment “I couldn’t do that”,
“I can’t do that” “I am not like Jesus” I am here to tell you, my friends, you are every bit
the same as me. Everyone of you in this room, both in spirit and in flesh, you are as equal as I am. You are capable of higher
evolvement, higher development, and this is what the Ascension Plan is about. It is about removing those who know and open
their hearts and minds to further development. Now, let me say that again - opening their hearts and their minds to further
development - it is about showing you, removing you from the earthplane to a newer place as this earthplane undergoes its
final stages.
The Ascension Plan has been carried out over the last 30, 40, 50 years in two phases. We are now entering
the final phase. The first phase was to speak to people about spiritual awareness, being aware that there is more than just
you and the world out there, and teaching people that there was another dimension to the world they lived in.
The second
phase was about helping people raise their awareness, helping people understand that they could commune with this realm and
the other realm, this dimension and another dimension, as easily as you make a ‘phone call today, or should I say, now
forgive the familiarity here, skip – no skype – as easy as you can skype – you see I am up with the times,
so it is as easy as that, that was how the second phase came about, and in that phase many people were taken from the earth,
and they have gone on to the highest development that mankind can reach. They have become ascended beings, they have gone
into a different realm. They have not merely passed over, they have gone to a higher realm because now, in the final phase
of the Ascension Plan, this is where we need all of those who have ascended to become Ascended Masters and Teachers, this
is why we need them all to come and commune with those who have Mediumistic powers, and I know there are many of you here
this evening who can do that, whether you speak directly to those in spirit, whether you feel energies, or whether you are
aware that there is something different, around your world, these are qualities that we are seeking to reawaken and reawaken
Now, for those of you who have read the transcripts I have given to the Amethyst Group - the teachings I have
given over the last twelve months – they have been full of information as to how this final phase of the Ascension will
take place, and there is a lot of fear and there is a lot of consternation, and this is absolutely normal, absolutely, that
you should understand this with your human mind, and your human mind is afraid, but I am here tonight, my friends, to tell
you, there is nothing to fear. This world as you see is beginning to enter her final phase. If you wish you may use the illustration
of Mother Earth, she is throwing off the old crust of the earth, much the same as you shrug off a coat.
The human-race
has developed very fast, and by developed I mean populated the surface of the earth. There are not enough resources to see
you through for more than - should you wish to count them - twenty years. In twenty years time the resources that the planet
has to offer you will be gone. Habitats of wild life will be destroyed, the eco-system will fail. There will not be enough
to warm yourselves, there will not be enough for you to eat. In short, the earth will become redundant. Places that were full
of plenty will be emptied. Places that were once populated with thriving industry will be left empty, and you have heard me
say it so many times before, lands that were wet will be dry and lands that were dry will become wet. You are seeing this
illustrated already. You have seen the earth cracking open, you have seen the force of nature in water and wind, you have
seen how the prolific diseases can spread across your planet, with nothing more than a bodily function of a sneeze or a cough.
The biggest disease that mankind fears at this present time should be hunger, should be shortage of fossil fuel or energy
to support yourself, to warm yourself, but it is not, the biggest disease that mankind fears at this time is Cancer, and I
tell you, mankind has destroyed the habitats where the secrets from flowers and plants could have been taken up and a cure
for all forms of cancer would have been found by now. In short, mankind has sealed his own fate and for what? You call them
rainforests - they are the lungs of your earth - their process is known to every schoolchild across the world, and yet these
habitats have been destroyed to make way for other crops to make money, and I tell you, my friends, the most fragile part
of your existence is money.
You are slowly beginning to see, throughout your neighbouring countries - and here I believe
you call it Europe – that the economic structures of most of the European countries are failing one by one. In Asia,
the country which you call Japan, their economic structure will never recover from the so-called natural disasters that have
taken place. The United States of America are at this hour and at this moment teetering on the abyss of destruction because
their financial situation is about to collapse, and why, because none of these countries are working together in harmony,
as they should be, and why is that? It is because the forces, the negative forces that are sweeping across the face of the
earth at this present moment, have free rein. In the olden days, in olden text, this would have been known as the evil spirit.
You ask, and it has been asked by other people across the planet, where is the anti-Christ? He is here. It is not a particular
human-being it is mankind himself for he wants what he wants, and he will get what he wants at any cost, and yes there is
a negative force behind this, of course there is. For every negative there must be a positive, and the positive for you, my
friends, is that I have come again to tell you that this time the choice will most definitely be yours. Each and everyone
of you, and this is not a threat - please do not think that I speak to you in harsh terms I do not, you are my equal therefore
you are my Brothers, my Sisters, I embrace you with much love - and this Ascension Plan, it comes from the Source, from the
Creator, because it is time for those who are willing, to start a new life, in a new world, and to leave this world to its
final end.
Now there are many who speak of the “Rapture” and this belongs to one particular Belief System,
and many believe that the “Rapture” will take place (I think it is on the 21st May, next month - you have more
time than that) but the essential elements very closely parallel to how the Ascension will take place. Those of you who are
willing to develop - to mix the wonder and the mystery of creation, and the sacredness of higher development and higher attunement
- those of you who are willing to do this will indeed receive a wonderful, wonderful gift. You will be taken in love and you
will be taken, if you wish, in the very image that you are in now, but you will not have this heavy flesh, this heavy muscle,
this bone, and all the ailments that it brings with it, you will be as your true self, a being of light. This body will be
left behind as dust, and you will enter the new world that is already being prepared for you, a new world that is very similar
to this, but much, much, much better, all the things that you have ever wanted, in short, for those of you who want to think
of it, it will be heaven, but it will not be heaven because it is more than heaven, and all of those that have passed over,
who are dwelling in the realm of spirit, they too will be taken to a new world. It may not be the same world as yours for
there are many other worlds throughout the galaxy and stars that you know nothing of - and I will not confuse you by expounding
on that at the moment - but trust me, there are many other worlds out there, but for you, for mankind, the human-being, the
homo sapien, you will ascend to a world which in essence, every sense, will be familiar to you, but yet everything will be
heightened - sense, smell, thought. You will not have to worry about whether you will need to walk, you will just go there.
Those of you who have family members who have passed on before you, some of you are worried whether you will recognise
them. “Will we be in family groups? “Will we have homes?” “Will we have houses?” “What
about our children?” “What about our grandchildren?” I say to you my friends, my Brothers and Sisters, all
of this has been accounted for in the plan. If you wish to live in the family group you are in now you can do so, and of course
you will recognise each other. Let me give you a very simple illustration. If you are walking a dog and another dog, perhaps
a different type of dog comes the other way, what is the first thing they do, they sniff each other, and when those dogs are
sure that that is a dog and not a cat, they will become very friendly – or not, depending on the season and what the
dogs are like - but instantly they recognise their own kind and this is how it will be for you. If you are married, if you
are in love with someone, if you have children, if you have loved ones that have passed over before the Ascension Plan, you
will instantly recognise them by the vibration that is within you and is within them. “How will this happen?”
“Will we all go at once?” No, that would cause chaos in the extreme. We could not have planes falling out of the
sky, trains coming off their tracks, cars bumping into each other, people falling off their bicycles, we couldn’t have
that and it is not the way it will be done, but it will shock those you are in conversation with at the time. You will be
there one minute and gone the next, and there is the wonderment of the plan. Now, for a moment, picture yourself talking to
a neighbour who perhaps is not even aware that you may be a Medium or you may be interested in spiritual work, and it is your
time to ascend, and you do not need to worry about this for the time that you will ascend is encoded - yes, I use that scientific
word - it is encoded into your DNA, just as the time was encoded in the bodies that have gone before, instantly you will know
your time. Now, that neighbour that you are having this conversation with, she will be shocked, or he will be shocked if you
are having a lager with your friend at the Bar, he will be just as shocked, but, he will want to know why, and all the information
will be there. Somewhere somebody will have the answer, and that person will be led to another who has the answer, just as
you have been led here this evening. Some of you may be kicking and screaming but you have come, so we know now how the Ascension
will happen, what will happen to you, what will happen to your families and what will happen after the Ascension, and I can
hear the questions “What do we tell our children?” You have no need to tell your children, or your grandchildren,
or your great grandchildren anything for I give you my word that every child that has been born and will continue to be born
up until the Ascension Plan will know instinctively what is happening. For those of you who work with children, I would ask
you a question. Are you not amazed in some cases how much children care about the environment in which they live?
I am always surprised at how much they understand also about spirituality. They seem to have an astounding amount of knowledge.
It never ceases to amaze me.
LORD SANANDA: So there you have it, you have it written in your Bible somewhere where it
speaks of the truth coming out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, there it is, you have it. Now, there are some things
you will notice happening around you - and I am not talking specifically here of those horrendous events that will happen,
although you have been given forewarning of some of them. You have seen, over the last few weeks and months, the escalation
of violence and opposition, politically and religiously in many countries, and I wish I could bring you comfort and tell you
that this will decrease but I am afraid it will not, but those are bridges that need to be crossed, but only when we meet
them, but I would say to you that I want you to be completely and utterly immersed in everything that you do that is spiritual.
I want you to develop yourselves more, I want you to look at pathways down which you can walk, I want you to look at something
and if a certain thing catches your interest which will help you develop spiritually, please pursue it. There is nothing more
important at this moment than your higher development. Tell people that you meet, tell them however you can. I don’t
want you to say to them “This thing called the Ascension Plan starts in 2012, and we are seeing all of these things
happen because, at the end of 2012, it is all going to go”. I don’t want you to say that, that is not a loving
I am telling you the truth because those of you gathered here understand it. You are at a level where you can understand
it; you may not accept it but you can understand it, and when you go away from here you will take away something which will
stay in your mind and you will pursue it, you will look at the logic of it, you will want the science to back it up, then
you will look at the wonder, and you will look at the mystery of your creation - you, a perfect human-being - and you will
say “I could go one step further, I could start looking at doing more healing. Maybe I could just take that step and
try talking to the flowers in my garden and feel their energy, even if my neighbour will think that I am nuts, I will do it.”
I am telling you here tonight that all the information that you have been given in the transcripts over the last twelve
months is absolutely accurate. Yes, at the end of 2012 there will be a most heavenly display of every single one of the planets
in your galaxy forming what is known as the “Grand Cross Alignment”. When these various planets begin to move
out of that alignment, each power source that is associated with that planet will come into its own. Now we are talking here
about the influence that the planets have on you as a human-being. Now, if anyone of you doubts this I say to you, and I show
you here the female example. The female cycle of menstruation takes twenty-eight days – that is a full lunar cycle –
in the winter the sun is at its furthest point from your earth. There is not much point trying to grow things in the ground
when it is dark and the warmth of the sun is gone - this too has an effect on the morale of yourselves - there is even a name
for this sickness.
LORD SANANDA: Yes, it is, and again we look at the effect of the planets at the
time you were born. Why are some of you attracted to the moon, some of you attracted to the sun, some of you find Jupiter
absolutely amazing. They all have influences on you and why is that? Because you are all made of matter, you all vibrate differently.
Some of you gathered here this evening may be able to see me, as I overshadow this Medium. Some of you may feel vibrations
of light, some of you may not see anything at all, and some of you may not feel the energy vibrating. It doesn’t matter
what you see or feel, what matters is that you know that you are part of this wondrous creation, and you are as a child now,
and I ask you, will you take that step forward and fulfil what is your right to grow, to evolve to the most perfect lightbeing
ever? This is the Creator’s plan, you saw me, you know I ascended, I ascended into heaven. You can do that, and all
I ask is that you will take this step to learn how, and then, leaving this earthplane and all of those things that you hold
on to, that are so dear to you at this moment. When the time comes they will be as nothing, and I do not speak here of those
that you love, those that you hold dear, I speak of all the material things - the bricks and mortar of your homes, the day-to-day
lives that you have - they will seem as nothing for you will see revealed to you that which is yours. Until that time I would
ask that each of you live your lives to the fullest, be wary of spending too much money, but live your lives, but live them
better. Develop the spiritual side of your life as much as you can with as much help as you need. There are Brothers and Sisters
gathered around you that will help you. There are places that you can go, there are people you can ask, there are things that
you can read.
Now, this is the part where I explain to you what will happen after the Ascension has taken place. The
final phase of the Ascension is split into several different parts, and for the parts that will concern you I will tell you
truthfully here this evening what will happen. If you choose to ascend when the encodement kicks in, if you choose to accept
that and go, that is fine. If you choose to ignore it then you will be here living on an earth much as I have described earlier
only it will be difficult, it will be the slow death of everything. There will be more natural disasters because at this time
the negative force that has free rein will reach its crescendo, and all the fury and all the negativity that can be leashed
on this planet will take place. There will be those who will live in this time of trial and tribulation, and they will ask
themselves “Why didn’t I take the opportunity when I had it? It is too late, I am lost.” If that is their
way of thinking then they will be lost but if they ask and say “My friend Heather hear me?” “Jo, hear me?”,
“Jane, if you can hear me?” “John, if you can hear me?” “ I want to come, I want to be with
you”, you will be with them in an instant. Yes, you will. I won’t be doing it, you will. You will reveal to them
your true beauty, and they will be astounded, and it will be as if you are leading them from a dark room into a room full
of sunlight, and they will come.
Of course, globally, and let us speak of it globally for it is a global Ascension,
it is not just something that is indigenous to Devon, it is global. Of course there will be those who will think “I
don’t believe in this, I have heard of it but I don’t believe it, it is just a false hallucination”, and
they will be lost forever, and I speak here of those who are already in the grip of the negative forces racing across your
planet. Now, you may be thinking to yourselves,”Well, this is a strange plan for mankind. Let me get it straight, the
earth is going to crack up, some people are going to be able to ascend and some aren’t. Some people are going to be
left down here to whatever. How is that a plan from the God of Love?” The secret is, or the plain truth is, that this
has always been the destiny of mankind. It has happened before, it happened when you stood up on two legs and the time of
primitive living came to an end. You developed into the beings you are now, but none of you, with a few exceptions, none of
you were there to witness it, but it is in this time - at this time of your lives - that you will witness another evolution
of mankind, only this time it is from flesh to lightbeing. Take that with you my friends, you are just witnessing another
evolution of mankind.
Now there I feel I will leave it for I have given you, I hope, enough clear information for you
to take away, to talk about and, most importantly, to try and take that step forward to develop yourself, and in doing so
talk to others about their development, their evolvement in the world, what they are doing, and it is fine and beautiful if,
on the outside, people that you meet are kind and sweet and gentle - how it should be towards each other - but this is about
you as individuals, about developing the spirituality inside of you so that you can be prepared and you can help prepare others
for the time of Ascension.
Now, if you have questions, please feel free, I am here to speak with you?
May I ask a question please? I don’t know whether this is me but I find the whole business of ascending very difficult
to comprehend and I am still not really sure if one ascends as you did, or whether one has to go through a death-process first?
SANANDA: At this stage, in this part of the evolution of mankind, there is no death process. Death occurs when either the
vehicle – the body – becomes diseased, worn out or has served its purpose. Sometimes death will come to the body
in more violent circumstances, and we all know what they are. Now, at this stage of development of mankind yes, death and
disease do occur and there is a death process to go through. At the moment all of those who pass over, who die, will be taken
to the dimension that you know as the spirit world, each in their own individual place, in their own imagery of heaven where
they would be together with family in some cases, others not. In the Ascension it is different for the vehicle will be returned
to dust but what is taken, what will go and what is encoded in you, in this generation here and now, from this moment forward,
is the fact that your body will go as an ascended body. You may take the imagery that you have, the facial features, the stature
etc, you may take that imagery with you in the essence if you wish to, but the human part, the skin, the bones, the skeletal
section, it will be returned as it was, to dust, and all that will be left will be the light-being. Now, clearly, an earth
which is going through its final phase - its own development, its own end - is no place for a light-being so you will be taken
and you will ascend. You will rise up, just as I did, you will rise up to the new world, the new heaven that we have created,
so that is how it will occur.
QUESTIONER: Might I ask dear Lord, when the ascension takes place, if we are talking to
somebody else and they ascend, will they just vaporise, will we see this happen or will they just disappear?
It is not a case of vaporisation as you see in some of the science-fiction stories, your body will return to matter - the
vibrational level that you now are - and return to dust - and the person who is talking to you will see you float away. It
will be a shock, it will be a scare but that is what will prompt the final question: “Where has she gone? How did that
happen?”, and, as I have said, there will be someone there who knows the answer, someone will be put in front of that
person to give the answer.
QUESTION: Lord Sananda, this lady asked one of the questions that was on my mind, so don’t
laugh at me - there will be no funeral?
LORD SANANDA: No. Let me put it this way, and I do not laugh at you because
I know this is a ritual that mankind has had since he was able to think for himself, and the ritual has become more and more
exaggerated depending on the religious belief system that you belong to. For example, I have been to India this afternoon
- that sounds very grand but I have - and there, as you know, it is immediate. Someone passes over and it is important that
they dispose of the shell for health purposes because of disease, they are burnt for purity.
In Jerusalem, in the Jewish
Faith, it is also important that people are buried within twenty-four hours of their passing, and they must be put at a certain
angle. It is a man-made ritual and there will be nothing left but dust, and there won’t be time for people to consider
that maybe they should gather that dust and put it on the shelf because it belongs to so and so. You see, this is the difficulty
of the Ascension, and my Sister, you are right, I know how difficult it is for you to understand this and also to accept that
all that you know is going to be turned completely upside down.
SHEILA: It is so against what we have in our lives at
the moment, dear Master. We have never known anything like this before, and people are finding it difficult to accept.
When the Ascension starts will it be known – I can see our Policemen having a whale of a time when people start disappearing.
SANANDA: Well, yes, to begin with I would like to say it will be quite a gentle process, for example there may be a hundred
people taken from a region in Australia, there may be twenty-five people ascended from a place in, shall we say, your neighbouring
County of Cornwall. There may be five hundred people seemingly taken in an earthquake in South America, but those people will
have already gone, so it will be a slow trickle but yes, it will be a headache for all of the Police Forces in all of the
countries until the word spreads very quickly, because as I have said, in each instance there will be a light-worker, a person
who knows what has happened, and if you are part of that, if you have been witness to someone ascending, you will want a jolly
good explanation, and it is similar - if I can give you an illustration - if you have gone out in the morning and said goodbye
to your neighbours and you find that that afternoon they had emigrated to Australia, and you knew nothing about it, and this
will be exactly the same, it will be that easy. There is nothing fearsome, there is nothing horrific, it is just that easy
and painless, the difficult time is for you now which is why I am trying to give you the emphasis on developing yourself and
preparing yourself, and those around you, this is your difficult time now, not at your time of Ascension .
Shall we able to help our nearest and dearest? It is very difficult for them to understand, and it is very difficult to make
them understand. When we ascend, can we take them with us?
LORD SANANDA: Only if they are willing. You cannot take them
by the hand and say “Come on, we are going to the new world” because if they don’t accept it now, they will
need proof. You are accepting this on faith, what I am telling you – some of you may not be accepting it at all –
but most of you, the majority of you here, are taking this on face because you are strong enough, you are able at least to
understand a part of it, but there are those who will need the proof, and as I have said, if you have already ascended and
a family member is left behind, then wouldn’t you want to know where your Father, your Brother, your Mother have gone?
And there again, there will be someone there to say “Well, they tried to tell you about the Ascension – it is
happening. Now, do you want to stay or do you want to go, and if they merely say “I would like to go” or “No
I am going to stay and try and find them” then that is what they must do, but once they have had a taste of the tribulation
of the earth they will find their way back and they will say “I want to go” and then they will go with you.
May I take the question a little further, dear Master, where there are children in the families, will the families be kept
LORD SANANDA: Yes, there is no question of that, the children, as I have said, know exactly what is going
on and in some cases they will lead their parents.
SHEILA: Someone has asked about their dog, cat, horse or any animal.
Can they take them with them?
LORD SANANDA: They will already be gone, but if the animals are with them on the earthplane
when they ascend then yes, they will be able to take them as well.
QUESTION: May I ask, where is this new heaven?
SANANDA: It is not in a dimension as such as yet for you to see, although there has been, through science again - which is
hard fact for some of you want hard fact - there has been an energy source noted high above the earth itself, and there have
been questions as to whether or not this is a new planet, and the answer of course is yes, it is your new home, and it is
as solid as the one you stand on today. It is matter put together forming, how do you say, terra firma, firm land. There is
water and everything that is familiar to you, but at the moment remains occluded.
QUESTION: Could I ask a question please,
Lord Sananda? You have painted a graphic description about the destruction of this world, the end of mankind - are there no
brains here at the moment that could be inspired to do something to extend it before these dates are due?
Well, there are some Scientists who are working on various ways that could improve the food for the world. There are obviously
brains in the financial world that are looking at all ways to try to capitalise on the problems of other countries but you
see the problem is, although there are brains they are all over the place, and they will not share their secrets with each
other, they refuse to work in harmony, and this is what has brought about the development or the end of mankind as you know
it. You have fallen out of harmony with everything around you. There have been countless warnings over the last twenty years
regarding taking fuel from the earth, regarding growing crops which are better, stronger and will produce more, and governments
have dismissed them because often they are more interested in taking from the earth rather than giving back to it, or perhaps
they are more interested in making war on their neighbour, but to answer your question my friend, yes there are brains and
there are some who are working with the knowledge that time is running out, but they are scattered and to bring them together
– well, I have tried so many times to bring them together.
IVOR: Is it not also true, dear Master, that this is
a natural function of the earth at this time in the geometrical situation of the planetary systems in their functions?
SANANDA: Yes, it is, it just happens that it is in your time. If it had happened twenty years ago - thirty, forty years ago
- your parents and grandparents would have witnessed it, and you would have been living in a very different world now, but
it just happens that it is coming now in your lifetime, at this particular stage, and you will witness it, there is no doubt
about that, and yes, planets will live and die. You know that because again you have the evidence of science on your side,
you can see it in the night-sky, planets that have folded in on themselves, and what do they do when they fold in on themselves,
they give birth to new life, and this is what will happen to this old earth. It is shrugging off its old over-coat and in
many years to come - more than I care to give you to count - the earth will replenish itself, and life will begin again ,
but you will be in a different realm and you will have gone through the Ascension, you will have gone through higher development,
and you then will be in a position to teach those of a new life when the time comes, about their new development.
Might I ask, when we ascend to our new planet, will we require the assistance of the sun?
planet that you will live on is created in a different form. The planet you live on at the moment is dependent on the ecological
existence of the sun which gives light to everything. This clearly is not a very good plan because although the sun has warmed
you, has given you food to eat, has given you everything that you need for your life and your earth at this time, it clearly
is not enough for human kind in the new world so it has been decided, within the new Plan, that the new planet would not be
reliant on anything from any other planet, it will be self-sufficient on its own, and remember also that you will not need
the sustenance that you need at the moment. You will not have a complexion to be concerned about, the colour of your hair
- what you eat will not be a necessity to keep your inner working well, you will not need it - your sustenance will be of
a different kind and you will find all of that in abundance in the new world.
QUESTION: A question please? When the
Ascension gets underway will it be those more spiritually aware that will be taken first or will they have to stay and help
those who will not know what is going on?
LORD SANANDA: In some cases those who are more spiritually aware will go because
they will be required to receive others into the new world but yes, you are absolutely right, there will be some who have
agreed before they came back into this lifetime that they would stay and they would help, so some will go and some will stay.
Lord Sananda, may I ask a question please? I have been shown in my sleep- state spacecraft in the atmosphere, very, very awesome
I must say. Are they an intricate part of the Ascension? Will people, mankind, be lifted by these spaceships, for want of
a better word?
LORD SANANDA: In some cases yes, you see each of you gathered here tonight, each of you have an individual
brain and each of you have an individual mind. Now, some of you, your idea of heaven or the new planet will be very different
from the person sitting next to you. Some of you throughout the world are absolutely one hundred percent certain that other
lifeforms from other places will come and take them to a different world. Now those who gravitate towards - there is no pun
intended here – but those who gravitate to that way of thinking, if that is a familiar and comforting sight to them
then yes, in their lightbodies they may ascend to something they are familiar with, as you have said, some form of craft,
but also, as strange and ridiculous as it might seem to you, there are lifeforms on other planets throughout this galaxy and
other galaxies that you have not yet discovered. Now when I say lifeforms I mean just that, forms of life, it may not look
like a humanbeing, it may not look like anything at all. Now, there are other beings around that have gone through their own
Ascension and they are merely observing how earth copes with her further development of beings that inhabit the planet, so
although they are not an intricate part, they have a part to play.
QUESTIONER: They are watching and I am quite aware
of that. Thank you very much for answering my question. Can I ask one more without being greedy. This is nothing to do with
Ascension, but I understand that when we are born we come with a colour, and we come in with a sound?
Yes, in actual fact you come in with eleven colours and eleven sounds, and each colour and each sound corresponds to the chakra
centres and corresponds to the energy that is contained in that chakra centre. You are most probably aware of nine, but there
are eleven major chakras and several other minor ones, but the ones that are used in healing, mediumship etc. are the nine
most general chakra centres that you use.
QUESTIONER: So, we are all very different so my understanding is correct,
that we came in with a certain colour because of the different energies that we are, but we actually come in with the whole
of the spectrum?
LORD SANANDA: Yes, because if you think of this, if you mix the whole of the spectrum what do you
get – white light – so, as it was in the beginning so it is in the end.
QUESTION: I know sound is very important.
Are we right that it was sounds that actually lifted the stones for the pyramid.
LORD SANANDA: Yes, to a certain degree,
but music is harmony and the earth resonates to a certain sound, just as matter, you are all matter. Can I give you an easy
illustration, some female singers - I am not sure about gentlemen singers - are able to shatter glass with the vibration of
their voices. That is because they are able to reach above and beyond the vibration of solid matter. You see it as the form
of a glass but in that glass is sand. In that sand is the element of matter, and just as in you, you have all the elements:
earth, air, wind, fire, everything - chemicals: potassium, magnesium, iron, everything - so everything will resonate with
you if you give it a chance and in harmony, so yes, sound is important.
QUESTIONER: I have often thought well, if sound
can destruct it can also construct.
QUESTIONER: Thank you very much Lord Sananda.
A personal question please Lord Sananda? As you are probably aware, we like travelling a lot. Will we know when we should
LORD SANANDA: Oh yes. Let me think, perhaps you would speak to this Medium afterwards.
IVOR: Dear Master,
Can you confirm for us that each and every one has a Guardian Angel, one that stands at our side whilst we lead this physical
life. They are there I believe only a word away if we ask for their assistance?
LORD SANANDA: I would hesitate to say
a word because in some cases many only feel the presence or something around them and some do not hear, some do not see, but
I can tell you that standing behind each and everyone of you, standing behind you tonight - even those who are a little unsure
about what is going on - you each have a Guardian Angel and each is stood behind you, waiting, protecting, guarding, guiding,
and if you will but open just a little bit further, I promise that in love you will find some kind of response. You may not
hear, you may not see, but open your heart with love and you will feel that power coming back into you. Love is the greatest
power, it can conquer everything - just remember that my friends, love is the greatest power, it will conquer everything.
Many years ago I was involved in a car accident. My Brother was with me and was thrown through the windscreen and landed in
the road. I had a face injury. I had some spiritual healing - my Mother was a Medium - and a Guide told me they were very
sorry it happened but with the condition of my back they did not want me to go through the windscreen, they apologised and
I could understand that. My Brother went through the windscreen and damaged his hand. Through the healing and medication I
recovered, but to have someone come through spiritually and apologise that I had to stay where I was because of my back it
just goes to prove that spirit do come back and speak to you.
LORD SANANDA: I thank you for that contribution my Brother
and I would like to say to you, yes, they apologised to you because in your heart, and I would not be wrong to say, that you
felt very guilty because it was your Brother that went through the windscreen and not you You see you had work to do and if
that work was just the contribution you have brought here this evening, you may have put something into place that someone
here has been turning over in their mind for years. I thank you for that.
QUESTIONER: Well I have been lucky because
I have had spiritual healing all through my life and it has helped me in many, many instances. I believe when you are talking
to people about spiritualism and they ask you different things - and everybody wants to know about winning on the lottery
etc. - I take it this way, you have two roads to go in life and what I find spiritually in Medium-ship, they usually point
out the road with the less stones in, so you have to make up your own mind, with your own free will, whether you take it or
not, and it has helped me many, many times.
LORD SANANDA: Thank you my Brother.
IVOR: Can I add one more instance
to that dear Master. Back when Julia our Granddaughter was a Nurse working in Poole Hospital we went up to see her. I was
quite ill and said I couldn’t drive home, Sheila would have to drive, and then the car broke down on a three-lane road.
We came to a roundabout and managed to cruise. There were no electrics in the Volvo so we had no steering, we had no starter,
no brakes and I cruised around the roundabout and, as I have said, there was three-lanes’ of traffic in each direction,
and we stopped fifty yards beyond that. I said to Sheila “Look, let’s go to a Hotel for the night” but no,
she wanted to get home to feed the cats. She didn’t want to drive with the car like that – I didn’t blame
her – and we were half-way from Poole to Dorchester and suddenly as I was driving along, feeling lousy, I heard a voice
saying “Ask me where I am”. After a couple of times I voiced the words and Sheila nearly jumped out of her skin
– she said my voice was very deep, not like me at all – and Sheila, do you want to continue the story because
you know more about it than I.
SHEILA: I said “So where are we?” and the voice came back that we were just
leaving a delimiter sign and with that the car gathered speed and the voice spoke again telling me that it was Horus, our
Brother, and that he would see us safely home. Just incredible and I will never forget it. We thank dear Horus, dearest Lord.
We had so much help and the car just flew along, but I knew that Ivor wasn’t driving.
LORD SANANDA: Well, I have
to say, and so you will know that I am not without humour, the Egyptian Race were very fond of their cats.
Much Laughter.
I remember driving up to the gates and hearing the voice say “Well you are safely home now”, but we had to take
the car to the garage for repair the next day.
SHEILA: Yes, he just said “Farewell my Brother and Sister”,
and was gone. That’s how they look after us.
LORD SANANDA: I am sure there are many of you gathered here this
evening with similar stories, and what does it prove to you, it proves to you that there are such things as Guardian Angels,
they are with you and they are but a heartbeat away.
QUESTION: Might I ask one more question, dear Lord. I do have a
real problem. I think we are all very spiritually aware and take on board what you are saying but I find it hard to accept
this, and I know you would like us to talk to our families. I have two daughters who are not children any more. They are young
adults. I know a lot of people and although I may be close to them they would find what I say to them extremely difficult
to take this on board, and probably think that I would need locking up if I were to broach this to them. I would like to be
able to feel that I could contribute to their knowledge and their understanding but I think it is going to be a very difficult
pathway to follow.
LORD SANANDA: My Brother has already illustrated to you that if you will open yourself just a little
further to the alternatives, you will be shown the road down which you must go, but the choice is yours, and as I have said
here this evening, there are many people who will not accept this situation if you go in and say we have heard this and I
am attached to a spiritual group and we understand, we have been talking to Jesus. Of course they would look at you rather
askance, and perhaps it is the same for some of you gathered here, you have never broached the fact that you are spiritually
inclined to those friends and colleagues that you know, and of course, it is going to come as a shock if you suddenly begin
to tell them that you know and have heard there is going to be a problem, but there will be ways that you can broach some
of this – not all of it as I have said this evening. All of you that are gathered here, and to bring it down to, shall
we say in your modern language, to bring it down to the bottom line, those of you who are gathered here tonight are spiritually
aware enough to listen to what I have to say, accept some of it, because you can see the evidence for it - you can see the
scientific evidence for it and the physical evidence for it - you cannot doubt what I say but I understand absolutely how
difficult it would be for you to broach this subject, but if you listen and you get into conversation, people are bound to
start asking questions when many of the natural disasters begin to take place. They will wonder what is going on in the world
and you can then say, “Well actually you know in the Bible, in the Koran, or in the Torah, or whatever is necessary
to that person, you can say to them you know that it is written that the age of man has to come to an end, perhaps this is
it, maybe we need to look at it more spiritually.
There is always an opportunity – you have to listen and almost
make the conversation fit for that person to understand. You would not take a child of four and sit it down and explain quantum
physics to it or chemistry, it would not understand, and some of your friends and family are as children - you are not, you
are special, you are here because the bottom line is you are special - you have at least some spiritual awareness, some of
you more than others.
QUESTION: I think in my position, talking to someone who is interested, I can give you an example.
I was in another accident, I hurt my thumb, put it out. It was put back and with spiritual healing I was advised what to do,
and I now have the use of it. I have worked thirty years in industry. If I had lost that thumb, well.... I talked to the Doctor
who operated on it and told him that I healed pretty good, I had my thumb lacerated and put back. No other Doctor had touched
it, spiritual healing did that, and when you have something like that, that you can show people, it is easier.
SANANDA: Yes, it is easier, I do understand the dilemma some of you find yourselves in, but I would say to you my Brother,
the faith that you have in spirit realm and those who bring you healing is admirable and unshakable, I can see that, but there
are those who you have so rightly said, are not so lucky as you, and these are the people that need to listen just a little
bit more, and to find the opportunity in conversation to just drop a phrase here and there, just let it trickle out and then
you will be amazed at the results.
Now my friends, if there is no more, and you have no further questions I feel that
it is right and proper that we end our session here.
QUESTION: Can I just say something, Lord Sananda, and I want to
give you a thank you, a, big thank you. We are now approaching Easter, the time of your crucifixion, and it brings tears to
my eyes, and I often wonder what – it must have been horrendous....
LORD SANANDA: What was it like?
Yes, and I want to thank you, and I am sure that everyone here wishes to thank you also.
SHEILA: I would also like to
say thank you for giving us all this wonderful information. To care so much for us that you have come back to earth to explain
to us in such detail what is to happen to our world. I would also like to thank our Creator for this wonderful Plan to save
mankind when the earth can no longer sustain us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
LORD SANANDA: Thank you.
There is something I would like to say, and forgive me, and if you need to shuffle or move, please do, I will not break and
you will not break the vibration, but you my Sister have brought up the Festival of Easter. I am not going to explain to you
what it was like for I was in a physical body and as a physical being it was necessary that I experienced the pain, and it
has always been said that I died on the cross to save mankind. Now I would like to address this:
First of all, I would
like you to understand – look at the shape of the cross – part of it goes into the ground, the straight arms go
out to the side, and the upper part is shown. Take that image away and what do you have? You have a tree firmly rooted in
the ground in life, you have a tree taking sustenance and the energy from the earth and lifting, and lifting, and lifting
that energy to the realms of heaven, and from that tree you have the branches that go to the sides, and if left to grow, would
encompass the globe from east to west, and north to south, so there you have the beginning of life, and in the Christian doctrine
this has been misinterpreted. Yes, I died on the cross, yes I died to show you the balance of life against death. Yes I showed
you then, all those many hundreds of years ago, I showed you what would be the demise of mankind were he left to his own devices.
For those of you who were there and witnessed my suffering as a human-being I thank you for your love, for the energy that
you gave me to lift me, and I did not say “My Father, why hast thou forsaken me?” I said “My Father, do
not forsake them”, and when I said ”It is finished” it was the end of my suffering and the beginning of
my new life and yours. It is an illustration of the development of the spiritual over the flesh, so when you think of Easter
think of the ”Festival of New Life”, think of what I showed you, and then just a few days later, think of what
more I showed you. .........(the tape ended)