Elders of the Twisted Hairs Society In the tradition of the Cherokee secret medicine societies, the Elders of
the Twisted Hairs Society, I have been moved by the secret knowledge and spirit to reveal these words… -“Metis” Thomas ThunderEagle
THIS SACRED KNOWLEGE is from my Elder Heyoehkah, the war chief of the Twisted Hairs
and a member of their council of Elders… “You
seek to know the origins of this clear receptacle which you call ‘the Crystal Skull.’ I tell you that it was made
many, many thousands of years ago by beings of a higher intelligence…It was formed by a civilization before those you
call ‘the Maya.’ Our level of civilization was, as you say ‘at that time’ far in advance of that which
you now have by many factors. This receptacle contains the minds of many and the minds of one…It was not made using
what you call the ‘physical.’ It was molded into the present form only by pure thought. The thoughts and knowledge
are crystallized into this receptacle … This
receptacle is thought process crystallized, thus the information was crystallized into this receptacle. We have put thought
form into pure language within that which you call ‘the crystal skull.’ Much of the world that we created, we
have created with mind, mind creates matter. You will understand this and crystal technology will be given to those who understand
in more detail that crystal is a living substance and you can infuse mind with matter. This receptacle is crystallized
because you, within the third dimension, need to see it, to hear and to touch…Its form makes it easier for mind to
attach to mind without what you call personality…But you respect the personality, the head, the enclosure of your brain…so
this form as the receptacle has been guarded and guided for many an age.The Earth life of this receptacle is 17,000 years. It has been handed down from generation
to generation, polished with sand and hair, and no harm will come to it. You are seeking information as to the other receptacles
of the mind…there will be other receptacles found for there are many…for no one man and no one mind were given
all the knowledge…Each of the receptacles contains the information where the others are. We would give you one where
we left markings upon the Earth near the area you call ‘Nazca lines’ in Peru, although there are also ones in
the high places of the mountains. There will be one of Blue in the region you call ‘South America’… There
will be another found when the lost civilization that you call ‘Atlantis’ rises to you…and we would urge
you to explore the ocean bed…we would urge you to discoveries in the area you call ‘Bimini’…but
we will direct you, will show you that which you call a ‘temple.’ This was an area of communication between the
Earth and the other Star systems…when all the receptacles are placed together you will be keepers of wondrous knowledge…Light
and sound will be the key, when the right harmonic vibration is produced you will have the information you require…but
the time is not yet.There are still
some receptacles that have not yet been given form and others which remain safely under your ocean bed. But you shall not
find them all as you say, ‘at this time.’ It would be too dangerous for man to have this information…too
early in your evolution…because sadly mankind still seeks to better all the original destruction of our time. You ask
why the ‘crystal skulls’ had been made in the first place…the receptacle has been given this form to encourage
the mind of oneness and to reduce your desire for separation… your mind seeks separation… we sought to leave
you with the concept of oneness, but your mind seeks only separation. As you say, ‘as you seek so you shall find.’
And already the process of separation has begun. You have already begun the separation but there will be more. You have a
desire to separate that will lead to your own destruction. Separation causes mankind to hate, envy, distrust and enslave.
His continued separation causes
annihilation and death. We can already feel the influence of this separation as violence… there is much violence occurring
within your planet … Being not like yourselves…The result is endless forms of violence against men, violence
against nature, violence against Mother Earth. You have asked about mankind’s history upon this planet…We understand
that you come seeking in quest of the first beginnings of man. We wish to tell you that your own origins were thought in form.
You must realize you must cast your eyes up, and not down. The answers are in your local heavens and those planets close to
your sun. These things are being hidden by your own charge people, or leaders to hide your true identity and beginnings. There
will be many discoveries pointing to this acknowledgement within the next 5, 10, 15 years…and the beginnings of what
you call your civilization are well over 15,000 years before the acknowledgement as that which you call ‘Atlantis.’
For there is also much evidence of our civilization still beneath your oceans. Already there are discoveries near the ‘Bimini
Atolls.’ But there will be many more discoveries over the next 5, 10, 15 years which will point you toward the right
direction…there will be discoveries in South America, in Australia and in Egypt. In that which you call your deserts
you will find much knowledge. But you will find traces of our civilization through most parts of your seas especially beneath
the oceans which you call the ‘Atlantic’, the ‘Indian’ and which you call the ‘Dead Sea.’
There, closest to your Earth’s surface, and soon to be discovered are remnants of our civilization…These new discoveries will confuse and cause much disharmony;
but the disclosure of these discoveries will be needed to reduce the mind of separation. But many of these discoveries will
not be permitted at this time. We can only permit that which will not cause too much havoc for your primitive minds…You
need to know that we came to your Earth from a different world. From other dimensions we come into this dimension. We came
to experience, needing to experience density.That which we first heralded had nothing of the density of what you call a ‘BODY’,
the life on this Earth plane was very primitive in form but we spliced our entity into your entity and we took upon ourselves
the physical form which is recognizable to you. We sought only to experience material density and to bring knowledge and higher
awareness and thus enlightenment. But we did not confine ourselves to any one what you call ‘Geographical Location.’
There were many, and many of our relics and of our teachings are still to be found scattered amidst your land masses and your
sea masses. But there are still many among you who seek to find where in you universe we are to be found. But still you cling
to the Idea that we are of the third dimension and you still cannot grasp the Idea that we are of the other dimensions beyond
your rudimentary space time continuum of relativity.Just as you smell, feel and know the wind is real but unseen, that which we are is also…we would tell
you that the essence of time is an illusion, time has been created in fact, by a higher intellect as a form of control upon
the brain and function of the body image. This is a safeguard against corruption of matter, but in essence, time is non-existent.
Thought exists independently of the body and the brain, but time is the creation of matter. Thought is without time, time
as a mechanism, was introduced to material and ‘current’ mind only. Not to thought or spirit, to keep you bound
within the third dimension and within the perimeters of the small planet you call ‘Earth.’ We would urge you to
explore with truth and understanding that which the mind is capable of understanding not that which the brain is restricted
to. You will notice even in your primitive medicine, the frontal lobes of your brains withhold electrically fired responses
continuously, yet you have not reached a stage in your development that allows these ‘other’ secret areas to be
accessed without the proper harmonic conversion. The three tone conversion unlocks the ‘hidden’ areas of
our subconscious. You will note
at your present state of Evolution only 1/100th of your intellectual abilities are being accessed. Time is related
to you as numbers. We offer to you that number and time have no depth, these are merely programmed into the current mind as
safeguards to keep you in time and space. They are a function not really of mind but of brain. And they are really a dysfunction
of the brain to keep you tied to the physical dimensions of the three-dimensional Earth world. The relativities you call ‘number,’
‘time,’ and ‘space’ are a function of the brain related to only the third dimension. his current mind
set keeps you a prisoner in time and space and in the material physical world you call reality. But the delusion of time
must remain for a period longer. Why
have the Crystal Skulls been created in the first place you ask…We have come now to warn you, because the separation
has already begun. The destruction is already beginning to take place. For you with your primitive knowledge, have already
started something which now cannot be reversed. It was started through your scientists playing with and being sound and light
waves and that which you call ‘particle beam’ technology which you have bombarded your thin protective ionosphere
within you atmosphere. You will notice that there are many destructive waves, and solar flares now bombarding your planet,
Alpha waves, Beta waves, Gamma radiation and the like. There will be more destruction brought about by atmosphere intervention.
Your projects such as H.A.A.R.P. in what you call Alaska must cease. The unusual weather patterns and rapid climatic change, your ‘El Nino’ is only
a small start. There will be massive land movements. We wish to tell your civilization has grossly misunderstood the use of
light, sound and matter. That is why you have only just uncovered that which is closest to you. But, even now, your scientists
and your governments play with toys that they do not understand. They play with light and sound and that which you call ‘particles’
and ‘radiation’ and they soon will rain havoc. But because the reaction is not immediate and not obviously near
to yourselves, you continue and you continue until this very planet will erupt and destroy. As we have said, your current
mind seeks only separation. You have a desire to separate that will lead only to your own destruction. For this is the same
mind that caused the great flood and caused the previous destruction of many a land mass. You cannot perceive the reality
on a love plain, a oneness plain, a togetherness, a bond between the universe, your nature, the planets and all that is, is
one. Until you get past your last
500,000 years of arrested spiritual and universal growth, the Earth will continue to destroy the virus that infects its very
health. And that virus is call mankind. But this destruction has begun to happen again already. But his time it effects other
life in the cosmos. We can already feel the influence of this total separation in our world. But, at present, you are unaware
of this separation because it is of your own making. But we tell you that your Earth will undertake great changes…Even
the body of your planet will change, as with your weather as with all you do with your Earth as you know it. As you know it
now, there will be changes upon the Earth in the form of the human, the Animal and that form you know as ‘vegetation’
or ‘plant’ life and that form which you know as the ‘atmosphere.’ There will be a disaster that is of great consequence. But, in essence, your ‘disaster’
as you would term it, has already begun. You will find much death amongst your life forms upon the planet. You will find that
which is grown in the ground will cause much change and you will see that which feeds upon the ground will end up with much
death. You will see much destruction due to what you call a ‘radiation’ caused by your self destructive tendencies.
You will find much pestilence in that which now flies aloft upon your planet. There will be eruptions and disruptions of weather
patterns, and much separating of atmospheres. You will have much surface wind.. and your livestock will die in very great
numbers. Your waters will rise where they should not rise and your land will be sinking underneath the waves. Land masses
will disappear and seas and oceans will rise. There will be a great splitting of the Earth, from deep within the Earth. The
magnetic field will shift and is already shifting now. The Earth will split asunder and the discharge will wander through
he Earth and into the outer atmosphere. The atmosphere is already entering a state of negative pollution, in other words,
your oxygen content and biosphere effect cannot cleanse itself completely anymore. This is what you, the beings of the Earth are causing with your disruptive negative
thoughts and actions. And this is why we left these receptacles for you to find, in your time, over 750,000 of your Earth
years ago, very long long ago in times far past. When we realized that so many had forgotten their original purpose of your
incarnation, into this physical dimension, when we realized that the mind of separation would take hold and that there would
be a great catastrophe on this Earth, we chose to return to our own original dimension, but we left behind the legacy
of our minds. We knew there would be those whose knowledge and seeking and spiritual progression would turn them towards this
path. We knew that because of the disaster that would befall this planet, there would be those who would be needed to call
upon their reincarnation memories to heal, to counsel and to love a world gone mad, a world without knowledge, a world without
hope, where the fires of destruction would reign. But when the time comes it will be the duty of all those who seek spiritual
knowledge to instruct others when the Earth moves from its Axis. Within this receptacle, and the others we have left you,
lies that which you will need. Our imparted knowledge, here crystallized, will be imparted when the right time arrives. It
was determined that through these receptacles the minds of one would be activated and would present themselves when your Earth
was in need. And this is now beginning to happen, as you say ‘at this time’ and ‘in this place…’
We are here to tell you
that there is…will be…and has already begun, a great change within your Mother Earth. The Ideas, thoughts and
gifts we are about to give you from this forgotten age, are vital to the survival of your species. We urge you to make known
to mankind the things which we are to give you, in the hope that the upcoming holocaust can be reduced. For although what
is given cannot now be changed, its effects can be much diffused… This sacred communication is from my Elder Heyoehkah, the war chief of the Cherokee Twisted Hairs,
and a member of their council of Elders. In the standing and long stead tradition for hundreds of generations, Cherokee Secret
Medicine Societies. -“Metis”
Thomas Thunder Eagle
The Crystal Skull Interesting Theory… The sun produces a complex range of radiant energies, of which we humans are only
aware of two parts; the infra red which produces warmth, and normal light which is visible to the eye. Likewise most man made
electromagnetic energy waves such as radio, television and microwave signals cannot be detected by our ‘normal’
senses. Human detection capabilities in the ‘average’ person are currently estimated to be less than 2 percent
of the known wavelength spectrum. This
means that most of ‘us’ are not aware of over 98 percent of the currently known events that surround us at all
times. That many other energy frequencies surround us, and they are unfelt, unseen and unheard. The human body with its complex
electrical and chemical network of nerves and high moisture content is not only our power source but also a sensitive
antenna system capable of receiving signals from an uncountable variety of sources. When we come in contact with a piezo
of electric quartz crystal such as a crystal skull the electro-magnetic energy waves we produce are received by the quartz.
The Crystal then starts to oscillate faster and faster thus amplifying these signals and rebroadcasts them in modified form,
back out into the atmosphere where they are picked up again by the cells of the body. In effect, the quartz crystal modifies
and amplifies our own electro-magnetic energy waves and relays them back to us. So, in the process these waves of ‘energy
information’ become stronger and clearer. Remember raw piezo-electric quartz is certainly renowned as a natural electronic
oscillator, or resonator and amplifier. |